I shared some of my notes from Church 2.0 a while back…
But just found that Gabe Smith took some time and tracked down all the resources and blogs of folks who came to the event.
There are some great resources and people listed there. Thanks Gabe.
I shared some of my notes from Church 2.0 a while back…
But just found that Gabe Smith took some time and tracked down all the resources and blogs of folks who came to the event.
There are some great resources and people listed there. Thanks Gabe.
Just found out about wetoku.com, via @charlestlee.
Its a simple video chat service (similar to TokBox), but geared specifically towards bloggers wanting to do video interviews and RECORD THEM!
I signed up for an invite today and got a response almost instantly.
I tried it out here at the office to see how easy and practical it might be to use – and it turns out its both of those.
Continue reading Wetoku – video interviews on the cheap
In case you missed my Facebook, Twitter updates yesterday, I had the great privilege of taking part in Greg Atkinson’s Church 2.0 forum in Dallas.
It was a relaxed four-hour chat about technology, innovation and social justice. I loved that while there are a number of tech forums and conferences out there – Greg is doing this for the Church – for free. He’s keeping folks informed on the tools out there and helping people see how they can put them to use. And of course – these ideas work outside the Church as well.
Continue reading Church 2.0 forum
I feel like I’ve been sending a lot of prayer–related txt messages and tweets lately. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. I actually have only heard positive things from folks getting them (however please let me know if you’d rather not receive them).
I’ve found that txt messages, Twitter and e-mail have turned the traditional “prayer chain” into a rapid fire prayer blast. Within seconds/minutes folks all around the world can be updated with the latest prayer needs.
I’ve used txt messaging and e-mail for some time now. And with my new phone I love the ability to assign folks to message groups so I’m not selecting multiple people each and every time I send a message out.
But I have to wonder if there’s still yet a better way to send out rapid-fire prayer needs/requests. If more folks signed up to Twitter it could really become an informational network where folks could chose to receive updates via the web or txt messages. Perhaps an alternative Twitter feed could be setup just for prayer requests/alerts.
I wonder what it would take to build a system for churches or ministries where prayer alerts could be entered into a system and a message would be sent to Twitter, Plurk (get the most responses from Plurk), Jaiku, etc feeds (140 characters max of course), sent to those requesting cell phone updates, and then a longer more detailed message could also go directly to an RSS feed that could be subscribed to via traditional RSS readers and or e-mail.
Ultimately folks could subsubscribe, unsubscribe and also choose how to receive the prayer alerts.
Is this asking too much? Am I over thinking this? Is it already there? I bet with a little planning a system could be built using WordPress and a couple different plugins.
Hmmm…. could lead to some great possibilities.
What do you prefer? How is your church spreading news/announcements/prayer requests? Still using traditional mediums like bulletins, announcements and prayer chains? Are you on the “cutting edge” and using txt messages, or RSS?
Share you thoughts and ideas!
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my twitter feed
10 best twitter tools for wordpress
SSL :: twitter in plain english
SSL :: twitter peeps
SSL :: texting in church
SSL :: twittering in the old testament
SSL :: texting the church
twitter your testimony
Apparently, 1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese. And there are 5 people in my family, so it must be one of them.
It’s either my mum or my dad.
Or my older brother Colin.
Or my younger brother Ho-Cha-Chu.
But I think it’s Colin.
Thanks to Chris and Geek-Speak for the joke.
Chris runs a great website across the pond with fun technology insights “for the rest of us” (Thomas has posted several items of interest there as well). It’s also been fun getting to know him on Twitter as of late. Be sure and stop by and say hello.
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More jokes from Geek Speak
Follow Chris on Twitter
Thomas’ posts on Geek Speak
You’re still using the same old fashioned light bulbs? Really? Come on -that’s like using a VCR
Speaking of – I need to find some smaller CFL’s to replace the bulbs in a couple ceiling fans. Doh!