White people rappin’ about the ‘burbs

Dad life (HT Keri Lehmann)

Swaggin’ Waggon (from Toyota)

It Ain’t Enough (from c|Life)

And if that ain’t enough great music for ya — be sure to check out this week’s musical interlude on the podcast. Hopefully it will give ya some great tunes for your weekend adventures.

Tripp and Tyler visit Don Miller

Ever wonder what hanging out with author Don Miller would be like?

You know — the infamous guy who wrote Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God Knows What and others

Tripp and Tyler find out…


(HT Travis Mamone)

My laugh list

Jonathan and Laurie
Jonathan and Laurie (one of our very first photos together)

Reba Kennedy at Everyday Simplicity suggested this past week that everyone needs a laugh list.

I’ve found that all the bad stuff stops me from laughing, and if I start laughing, with even a mild giggle, then those bad feelings evaporate away. Poof! And I’m free to enjoy the rest of my day. Getting stuff done — instead of spending wasted energy on bad emotions/bad attitudes. Casting my cares.

So, as a matter of preparedness, I offer…

Jonathan’s Laugh List

So that’s my brief list. What about you? What’s on your list?