National Doughnut Day

Today is National Doughnut Day. Didn’t realize this, but National Doughnut Day honors the Salvation Army “Lassies” of WWI. It is also used as a fund raiser for needy causes of the Salvation Army.

The original Salvation Army Doughnut was first served by Salvation Army in 1917. During WWI, Salvation Army “lassies” were sent to the front lines of Europe. These brave volunteers made home cooked foods, and provided a moral boost to the troops. Often, the doughnuts were cooked in oil inside the of the metal helmet of an American soldier. The American infantrymen were commonly called doughboys. Salvation Army lassies were the only women outside of military personnel allowed to visit the front lines. Lt. Colonel Helen Purviance is considered the Salvation Army’s “first doughnut girl”.

On National Doughnut Day, look to see if your local doughnut shop, or other organizations, are offering free donuts to solicit donations for the Salvation Army or for another needy cause. If you find them, please be generous.

An Army cup of tea

My mate Thomas over in Scotland is a member of the local Salvation Army and they’ve put together a great way to connect with those around them.
Church members were given two coffee mugs with a wafer and free trade tea bag. The mugs also come with a prayer card for receivers of the gift to respond with prayer needs to the church.
As i understand it, members are encouraged to connect with a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker or whomever over a cup of tea.
what better way to make a personal connection and promote the message of Christ.
I wonder if churches could get the local Starbucks or another company to donate a “buy-one get-one free card for a coffee or tea. That might be a helpful push to get church goers to invite a friend or family member to spend time talking with them over a cup of coffee.
Otherwise it would be super cool to do the same thing with a custom coffee mug.
Get out and invite someone to coffee at your favorite local spot, or even into your own home. Show them the love of Christ in a real way.