Brian McLaren at TransFORM

A couple of weeks back, Brian McLaren talked to a room full of missionally-minded church planters and lay people at the TransFORM East Coast Conference (which was free by the way).

I thought it was a great message and well worth sharing here.

Continue reading Brian McLaren at TransFORM

re: What would you tell Obama?

I took a photo tonight for my memo to Barack Obama. Took it in the midst of another photo shoot with Laurie (so that’s the brief background on the suit and santa hat :-)).

I posted the photo to Facebook and Flickr and then decided – hey – why not create a Flickr group to let everyone share their memo’s to the president-elect.

So, I’m hoping that by the time you read this – this slideshow will be full of photos (and not just mine). But regardless – share yours and then tell a friend.

An Army cup of tea

My mate Thomas over in Scotland is a member of the local Salvation Army and they’ve put together a great way to connect with those around them.
Church members were given two coffee mugs with a wafer and free trade tea bag. The mugs also come with a prayer card for receivers of the gift to respond with prayer needs to the church.
As i understand it, members are encouraged to connect with a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker or whomever over a cup of tea.
what better way to make a personal connection and promote the message of Christ.
I wonder if churches could get the local Starbucks or another company to donate a “buy-one get-one free card for a coffee or tea. That might be a helpful push to get church goers to invite a friend or family member to spend time talking with them over a cup of coffee.
Otherwise it would be super cool to do the same thing with a custom coffee mug.
Get out and invite someone to coffee at your favorite local spot, or even into your own home. Show them the love of Christ in a real way.

Another one for the stupid criminals file

Photo by RkRao

CNN reported this weekend that two men who found buried treasure in New England were arrested Thursday.

Apparently they couldnt keep their story straight and the police were suspicious. The police chiefs comments were great. “Had they kept quiet … they probably could have sold the money and no one would have ever known,” Police Chief Joseph E. Solomon said.

But think about it, if you had found “buried treasure” wouldn’t you want to tell the whole world? Sudden fame and riches all in one.

Yet, as Christians we still have the greatest message of all and we’re afraid to tell our neighbors.

Lord help us to be fishers of men.