An Army cup of tea

My mate Thomas over in Scotland is a member of the local Salvation Army and they’ve put together a great way to connect with those around them.
Church members were given two coffee mugs with a wafer and free trade tea bag. The mugs also come with a prayer card for receivers of the gift to respond with prayer needs to the church.
As i understand it, members are encouraged to connect with a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker or whomever over a cup of tea.
what better way to make a personal connection and promote the message of Christ.
I wonder if churches could get the local Starbucks or another company to donate a “buy-one get-one free card for a coffee or tea. That might be a helpful push to get church goers to invite a friend or family member to spend time talking with them over a cup of coffee.
Otherwise it would be super cool to do the same thing with a custom coffee mug.
Get out and invite someone to coffee at your favorite local spot, or even into your own home. Show them the love of Christ in a real way.