web 2.0 rant


So I love this idea of ambient intimacy. I love that I can get to know the folks in my community better and better through things like twitter, and facebook status updates and even their blogs.

I love that I can learn so much about people in short 140-character thoughts and quotes and comments throughout the day.

But I’m also getting annoyed that twitter is starting to become a “link dump” and/or a “read my new blog post!” @tonyjones twittered about this last week and I originally thought, well that’s a bit unkind – then I realized how many text messages (aka noise) I get throughout the day that are nothing more than “read my new blog post!”

I hate it because while I don’t mind seeing these things in facebook’s news feed or on my twitter friend feed I also see them in my RSS reader. So having an announcement about them show up on my cellphone as text messages really bugs me.

I know, I know – everyone just wants to plug their stuff — and honestly I’ve plugged a blog post here or there too. But I guess what gets me about the whole scenario is that for those folks I chose to go the extra mile in getting to know and actually opt-in to get their tweets sent to my cellphone (rather than just following them via the web). I don’t need a reminder to check your blog. And the fact that you automatically send me announcements every time you update your blog (rather than just highlighting the really good stuff) — or send a mass of tweets 3 or 4 times a day that share all your blog posts from the last several hours — makes me that less interested in following you or subscribing to your twitter feed. All the automatic posts just add to the noise and turn me off.

Am I making any sense? Maybe not — but I guess that’s why it’s a rant.

In full disclosure, the encounter blog and website are setup to automatically post a tweet anytime and every time a new blog post is updated and/or we post a new announcement or podcast to the website. So you can probably rant and rave about that and argue that I’m being biased (maybe this is where my rant/argument falls apart). However, I would argue in response that both the blog and the website are updated on a fairly limited basis and I’m/you’re not following the encounter twitter feed because you want to get to know someone better – it’s setup as a “news/announcement/prayer feed” for folks interested in encounter.

So there you have it. What say you?


I better post a link to this via twitter to be sure everyone knows about it and responds. 🙂

[rant continued]

update :: I also hate reading RSS feeds that don’t show the entire blog post. I don’t want to have to click “read more” or “this post continues elsewhere.” Just put the entire blog post in your RSS feed — PLEASE! I’m dumping a lot of RSS feeds right now that make me click on another link to read — it makes the entire point of RSS rather pointless.


Jerry’s not happy with WFAA and Cynthia Izaguirre

Cynthia Izaguirre
Cynthia Izaguirre

So, as previously mentioned, a post I wrote back in Jan. 2008 about WFAA morning anchor Justin Farmer leaving continues to get a lot of visits and comments.

But I’ve come to realize something over and over again now.

One guy in particular is apparently not happy at all with new morning anchor Cynthia Izaguirre and he’s sharing his 3 thoughts all over Dallas blogs.

As of the last count, he’s posted 8 or 9 comments on my blog. He’s copied three of the comments on two separate posts. I did a quick Google search for one phrase he’s used — and as it turns out, it’s not just my blog he’s copying and pasting to.

google search

Looks like he’s also hit up Frontburner on a couple occasions as well as Dallasismyhome.com.

I wonder if he had his heart broken, or is just two busy to write original comments for all the different blogs.

Hmmm. Oh well. Makes those “Obama hates everyone” e-mails seem that much less surprising.

related ::
Uncle Barky’s original post
SSL :: Justin Farmer’s out Brad Hawkins in
SSL :: Justin Farmer to leave WFAA
Uncle Barky :: Local Nielson ratings snapshot
WFAA :: Daybreak
WFAA :: Brad Hawkins
WFAA :: Cynthia Izaguirre

The drive in with NPR

Well I had to drive to work today due to meetings in Mesquite later today.

And I have to say, despite the annoyance that sometimes comes with having to wait on a DART bus or sitting next to someone who’s a heavy smoker — I’d rather do that any day than have to drive and sit in traffic day in and day out.

However driving to work does give me a better opportunity to catch up on the day’s news with NPR.

Some interesting stuff today that you may or may not know…

  • If you have an accident in the City of Dallas and are not a city resident, you’ll be charged $600 if you request police or fire assistance.
  • 12 people were killed in Sherman, Texas this morning when their bus (carrying them to a mission project) likely blew a tire and ran off an overpass.
  • Folks in Fort Worth aren’t happy and are protesting the continued drilling of gas wells within their city.
  • Texas Gov. McDreamy Perry requested that the EPA waive their requirements to add ethanol to gasoline within the state. The EPA told Perry to dream on.
  • Despite a jury saying a former driver for bin Laden would only have to serve out 5 more months at Guantanamo – the Pentagon tells everyone, “So what? We’re the US Government, we can hold him as long as we like.”
  • Ammon Shea likes reading — a lot. So he decided to read the nearly 22,000 pages in the Oxford English Dictionary. Among some of his favorite words :: bedinner; bemissionary; gymnologize; twi-thought; and vocabularian.
  • The US Government says they have found “without a doubt” the Anthrax killer from 2001. Apparently for the US Government, “without a doubt” can be based primarily on “circumstantial evidence.” Sadly, their suspect committed suicide last week – meaning there will never be a trial to prove or disprove the government’s statements given at a press conference last week.
  • Oh and the Olympics have started in China.

So there you have it, all the news that matters to you/me.

related ::
KERA main newsroom
NPR’s morning edition
SSL :: why i ride dart

Justin Farmer’s out Brad Hawkins is in… for now

Brad Hawkins - WFAA reporter/anchor
Brad Hawkins - WFAA reporter/anchor

As reported by Uncle Barky (as well as here) earlier this year, Justin Farmer’s last day with WFAA, Channel 8’s Daybreak was Friday, August 1. His contract officially ended August 5th.

Farmer made the announcement back in January (the same day morning co-host Cynthia Izaguirre joined the WFAA team) that he would be heading back to Atlanta to work for WSB.
Uncle Barky also reports that Brad Hawkins will be given the the rest of this year to win the job permanently.

It appears there was no mention of the switch on the air. Just a new face next to Cynthia Izaguirre on Monday morning (even though Hawkins has been filling in for Farmer throughout the year).
Hawkins will join Izaguirre, Alexa Conomos and Greg Fields weekday mornings from 5 – 7 a.m.

Folks seem to have varying opinions on the switch and move (see the comments on my original post). Amazing to see how dependent/accustomed we become to our favorite news anchors.

related ::
Uncle Barky’s original post
SSL :: Justin Farmer to leave WFAA
Uncle Barky :: Local Nielson ratings snapshot
WFAA :: Daybreak
WFAA :: Brad Hawkins

Quote the whole dang thing!

Oh how I wish more people would have spent some time in a journalism class!

I’m so tired of people quoting only half of a statement because that’s all they chose to hear.

I’ve got the day off today (nice) and I woke up and read another section of “Jesus for President.” Bought it last night before going to the Dallas Museum of Art with Laurie.

I was good and ready to write a quick blog post about the what I had read before when my friend John forwards this to me from a site he forwards stuff from pretty constantly:


There is a word that describes John Dominic Crossan and that word is Heretic.

On a related note: Brian McLaren of the Emergent Church in his latest book Everything Must Change quotes favorably from Crossan’s latest book. McLaren and Crossan reinterpret the message of the gospel in such a way as to practically eliminate the doctrine of Christ’s Penal Substitutionary Atonement (This is the Biblical teaching that tells us the Jesus was pierced for our transgressions and died as our substitute on the cross in order to propitiate God’s wrath against our sins). After quoting Crossan on pages 122 and 123, Brian McLaren concludes that rather than die for our sins, “Jesus will use his cross to expose the cruelty and injustice of those in power and instill hope and confidence in the oppressed.”

That is not the Biblical gospel!

That is a bunch of Emergent goblidy gook!

But here again the scriptures tell us plainly what the gospel is and so we ask who are you going to believe?
Mark 10:45 [Jesus said] “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Arrghh! I’ve read the book. I knew exactly when I read the email which portion of the book it came from. I had to jump up immediately. Head out to my truck and grab the book.

My response

again… taking one line out of an entire chapter.

McLaren NEVER says, “rather than die for our sins…” McLaren is making the point about Jesus’ framing story compared to that of Ceaser Augustus.

Now I’ve got to type this whole thing out to prove my point……. geeze….

The empires “good news” is a framing story of peace through domination, peace through redemptive violence, peace through centralized power and control, peace through elimination of enemies. (Sounds a lot like modern America doesn’t it*) It involves the gods legitimizing those in power so that resistance to their sacred regime becomes not only treason but also heresy. The imperial narrative that drives them to dominance often drives them to self-destruction. Jesus’ alternative framing story, as we’ve seen involves God bringing down those in power (Luke 1:52-53) so that the poor can be legitimized (Luke 4:18) and so that the religious collaboration with the empire can be exposed as hypocrisy. The empire uses crosses to punish rebels and instill fear and submission to the oppressed: Jesus will use a cross to expose the cruelty and injustice of those in power and instill hope and confidence in the oppressed.

*my note

I have to wonder – would we really have that much to talk about, blog about, write about, get angry about if we’d only quote the whole dang thing. Maybe if, rather than listening for a sound bite to put on YouTube we’d actually take a couple hours (or maybe minutes) and read the entire chapter or book, or listen to the entire message.

Example 2

I have to share this from Kevin Hendricks re: the recent hub-bub about Jeremiah Wright:

Wow. The craziness is flying over comments made by Barack Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright. I’ve read reactions from people stronly opposed to Wright, and from people defending Wright (or at least giving some helpful context — Knightopia links to several more).

Some of what Wright says is clearly off the deep end (i.e., the government invented AIDS to wipe out people of color). But I think some of his comments are right on. Like the “God Damn America” comments:

“The government gives them the drugs [referring to the Iran-Contra Affair], builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people — God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.” (Seattle Times)

The ABC News story left out the last sentence, which I think helps give some context. Wright is preaching prophetically, like the prophets of old, who spoke out against injustice. I love America and the freedoms we have, but it’s not anti-American to speak out against injustice committed by America. That’s patriotic. (I wish Obama would have made that point.)

And America has some injustice going on when there are more black men in prison than in college.