A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

This picture does my heart good! Its a simple picture of a simple gesture. I was out with the boys shopping one day and when I looked down, this is what I saw:

Ian had grabbed hold of Hayden’s hand and they both just sat there like that for probably 5 minutes. It was really sweet and made my heart melt! Each of the boys have such a sweet and loving nature about them and I know they are only 8 months old so its still early to tell how they are going to act towards each other, but lately they have given me hope that they will be loving towards one another. Not only with this incident, but last week Hayden was a sweet big brother to Ian. Ian had bumped his head on something and started to cry a little and Hayden was sitting behind him and as Ian started to cry, Hayden reached up and started to pat him on the back as to say “there there, its ok” and Ian stopped crying. I’m sure this was merely a coincidence, but I’m going to take it as a sign that my boys really do love each other. The other day Jonathan told me that while I was out earlier that day Hayden started to cry and when Ian saw him crying he picked up Hayden’s pacifier and handed it to him. Haha, but like 2 minutes later proceeded to try and take it out of his mouth…o’well, you take what you can get I guess!

Summer Fun

It’s July 4 weekend, that means summer has begun! Its already turning out to be a good one and we have had all kinds of fun in the last few weeks. The boys went swimming for the first time in our pool, and I think they liked it, but its kind of hard to tell if an 8 month old liked something. They weren’t crying so thats a plus. They love splashing in the water during bath time so we figured they would just think the pool is a ginormous bathtub and splash away.


Since we didn’t want to have to go to the pool every time we wanted to take the boys swimming, we got a little pool for the boys to play in in our backyard. It’s pretty cute and the boys love it!

Summer Fun

A few weeks ago I took some pictures of our friends kiddos at the park and while we were there we decided to snap a few pics of our boys as well.

Ian in all his crazy hair glory

Hayden laughing at dad

I wish we were able to go to the pool with the boys more but we have only made it there twice. Since I don’t work on Fridays and Jonathan doesn’t like going to the pool and baking in the sun, Friday’s would be the optimal time to take the boys to the pool for a little while, but I can’t exactly go to the pool by myself with two infants. So instead we have to wait for the weekend and then we are usually too busy or just don’t want to be there with 500 other people.

This weekend we are planning on going to go to the farmers market for some fresh fruit and veggies. I think we may try to start making some of our own baby food so if anyone has any recommendations for a good food processor for making baby food, please let me know.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun fourth!

8 months old

My boys are 8 months old today! I am amazed at how much they have changed in 1 month. During the last month they both have started crawling, they both have 2 teeth and are both pulling themselves up to a standing position all by themselves.

I can officially say they are set into a daily routine. They wake up in the morning anywhere from 7:00 – 7:45 and they get their prevacid. We have to wait around 30 minutes after their medicine to eat then they have their bottle and usually an entire jar of baby food. They will play for a little while and then around 10:00 AM they will take a nap. They will sleep anywhere from 45 mins to 2 hours in the morning. If we have some errands to run we usually do them in between waking up from their nap and next feeding time, which is typically 12:00-1:00. They will play a little while and then take another nap around 2:00, where they will hopefully sleep 1-2 hours. They will eat again about 4-5:00 and then have play time while we get home from work, fix dinner and eat. Around 7:00 we give them their Prevacid again and start bath time. They absolutely LOVE bath time! After bath we’ll get them dressed in their PJ’s and have their last bottle of the day, then bed time! They are so used to their schedule they know if its different, and you will know they know!

Hayden playing with Jonathan's old tractor

Hayden has started showing us he is going to be our strong willed little one! I guess he gets it from his dad because I was a perfect little kid! Just ask my mom. 😉

Hayden was the first one to crawl and once he figured out how to get all the movements coordinated, he was off. He also learned how to pull himself up to a standing position all by himself. Needless to say both their crib mattresses were lowered!

He is still our serious one, but when he finds something funny, he laughs with all he has. I love listening to his laugh and seeing his smile, its priceless! Hayden is roughly 22 pounds and definitely feels it.

Hayden has found a new favorite game…it’s called see how many DVD’s he can pull off the shelf before we catch him. He also loves to go to the entertainment center and push all the buttons, so we have to keep the door shut on the front of it. But, then he learned how to open the door, Doh!

Mr. Ian is still our little guy who is always on the go. He started crawling about a week after Hayden did. He does a great job at crawling but he would much rather walk. He has also started to pull himself up to a standing position all by himself and will walk along the couch while holding on.

Ian playing with Jonathan's old tractor

He finally got a tooth this month and about a week later he got his 2nd tooth. He loooves to eat “real” food and does so good at meal times, well, at least the times he isn’t trying to roll out of his chair. Ian is about 18 pounds and you can really tell that 4 pound difference between him and Hayden.

Both boys have also tried a number of different foods and it’s so much fun to watch them taste and discover new flavors and textures.

Besides their regular formula and baby food (carrots, apples, blueberries, rice, etc.) they’ve also enjoyed some Chick-fil-A waffle fries, and tortillas, as well as rice and beans from Chipotle.

Ian seems to really enjoy flavored rice but Hayden still struggles with keeping the rice grains in his mouth. Shortly after he takes the rice in his mouth, we catch him rolling his tongue around his chin trying to pull the rice back into his mouth.

Both of the boys are such happy babies and are some of the best babies I have ever met. They sleep great at night and take 2 naps during the day. Their faces light up when we come home from work and it is such a good feeling to see that and hear their voices when we walk in the door. I am completely in love!

Trying to get the photo of them together was a challenge this month, and I have a feeling its just going to get harder. So I have a number of funny outtakes that I’ll post later.

Spring Pictures

We decided to try to get some pictures of the boys at the Arboretum this spring, and like most photos of infants, you get what you get and you have to be happy with that. Overall I think we got some good photos, even though the boys were more interested in the grass than looking at the camera. Here are some of the best ones:

Hayden & Ian ~ 6 months old






Our Family

Next year we’ll have a whole new set of problems while trying to get photos and even though we may not have gotten that “perfect” photo of the boys, we did get some great ones that I’ll cherish forever!

Mother’s Day

Although people tell me that last year when I was pregnant was my first Mother’s Day, This is my first official Mother’s Day. Motherhood, for me, started the day I finally got to hold my baby boys in my arms, and what a wonderful way to start that new job it was!

First day of Motherhood

Thinking back to my short 6 months of motherhood, I’ve come to some
conclusions. Motherhood is hard, but at the same time the best and most rewarding job I could ever ask for.

I call it a job because that’s just what it is, a job. But it is such a blessing and a praise that I get to do this job every day and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

As with any new job, you learn as you go. When you start out you don’t really know a whole lot but the longer you do it, the more you learn. And, eventually you learn enough to get by, or at least fool people into thinking you know what your doing. Motherhood is one of the only jobs you can be completely clueless for the first 90 days and not get fired!

Here are some of the things I have learned in the last 6 months:

1) sometimes you do what you have to do to get by. That may mean one baby has to cry while you are dealing the other baby.
2) you may not get a shower everyday…and thats ok
3) the way you do something may not be considered the “right” way to do it, but if it works for you and your baby, it’s the right way for you. (unless its dangerous of course)
4) your house probably won’t be as clean as it one was, or cleaned as often…same goes for the lawn, laundry and anything else that need regular maintenance
5) “me” time is pretty much non existent
6) spit up happens, so plan on changing your outfit at least once a day
7) you need to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own, this is a learned skill
8) when babies learn to sit up on their own, you get some of your freedom back
9) squash and carrots stain clothing, bibs, blankets, etc.
10) Biz is great at getting the above out of clothing, as long as it isn’t set
11) always double check to see if there are wipes in the box before you change a dirty diaper
12) always have a burp cloth handy
13) the more you have on your to do list, the shorter nap time will be, and nap time will NEVER be as long as you want it to be.
14) as a parent of multiples, you gain instant “celebrity” status when you are out and about
15) hearing your children laugh is one of the best sounds in the world
16) You can’t get home soon enough from your “real” job
17) babies wake up waaaay too early, but seeing that face smiling back at you when you go in their room makes it all ok
18) sometimes babies get too stimulated with a lot of people or noises around them
19) you need to take time for yourselves, whether it’s 5 mins or 2 hours.
20) If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

The best part of joining the motherhood club is watching your child learn things. It is a feeling I simply cannot put into words. Watching their face when they realize they can do something or helping them one day and a few days later they are doing it all by themselves. That is one of the best feelings in the world.

I am so thankful I was able to become a mom and that God entrusted these two precious boys to Jonathan and I, without them I would be lost!

me and my boys

I have to say that If it weren’t for my mom’s loving devotion and Godly example in my life, I would be lost. She is the only reason I know what to do and how to be a good mother. She has taught me by example to be loving, nurturing, self-sacrificing and patient. All of which are characteristics and attributes a mother should have.

Happy Mother’s Day Momma!!

6 months old

My boys were 6 months old yesterday…that’s half of a year! In some ways the time has flown by but in other ways it seems like it’s been a full year. They have grown so much in the last month, not only physically but developmentally too. It has been so fun to watch them grow and develop new skills and abilities.

The boys have started eating solid food and Ian really likes it, Hayden not as much…he’d rather drink his food. They have eaten green beans, squash, carrots (neither of them like carrots) and sweet potatoes. We’re waiting to introduce any sweet foods like bananas, apples, etc for as long as we can because if they are like their momma, they’ll develop a serious sweet tooth! 😉

The older the boys get, the more they notice one another and its funny to watch them interact. Hayden likes to touch Ian and be close to him. He will just put his hand on Ian’s back or arm or whatever, as long as he is touching him he’s ok.

Hayden and Ian

Although now Hayden is being a little more annoying than sweet when he tries to be close to Ian. He likes to try to pull on Ian’s Doc Band and the other day, he actually grabbed Ian’s pacifier out of his mouth and attempted to put it into his mouth – haha. But, being the #1 mom that I am, I didn’t really try to stop him once I saw his hand go towards Ian because I wanted to see what he would do. Hehe and he did just as I thought he would!

They are both sitting up really well these days. Ian has been sitting up about a week or two longer than Hayden and its amazing how much difference you’ll see in their strength in just a weeks time. It is so nice to be able to set them on the floor on a blanket with some toys and you can just sit their with them instead of having to hold them. It’s pretty difficult to sit their with two babies and hold both of them.

Hayden 6 months old

Hayden is such an explorer, he loves to see how things work. He can sit there and play with the knob on a drawer or the texture on the walls for 20 minutes and be completely content. He is doing really well at sitting up and loves to sit and play with some toys…as long as you are sitting there with him. He does not like being alone. It’s a good thing he has a built in roommate and playmate! He is coming out of his shell a little and will smile and laugh a lot more now. Hayden rolled over onto his stomach from his back a few weeks ago and sine then there is no keeping him off his stomach to sleep. He rolls all over the crib and absolutely loves to sleep on his tummy. This made Jonathan and I pretty nervous at first, but once they learn to roll over, there really isn’t anything we can do to stop. We were also given a little assurance from the pediatrician who said it was ok for him to sleep on stomach since he is rolling over on his own now. Within 10 seconds of putting him on his back, he rolls over. Hayden also loves to be outside. When he is fussy all we have to do is take him outside and let him sit in the grass or sit in your lap on the porch. Hayden has recently started to “talk” himself to sleep. He will kind of moan, groan, talk, etc when he is sleeping and dozing off. We can always tell when he is about to fall asleep just by listening to him.

Ian 6 months old

Ian is still our comic relief. The other day he entertained us for about 10 minutes when he was laughing at the dog just chewing her rawhide. Not sure what was so funny, but watching him was making us laugh. He get so excited about things, you can hold him and his legs will just kick and jump all over the place. Ian is a big flirt and will smile at you the second you smile at him. Ian loves looking out the car window, when we are in the car, we think he is asleep because he is so quiet, but he’s really wide awake just looking out the window at the world passing by. Ian has become our morning lark and is ready for bed about 6:00 PM, while Hayden is ready to play after his 8:00 PM bottle. Ian’s reflux is still doing great, but the spitting up has definitely showed its ugly face with a vengance. He will spit up, look at us and laugh. Not sure if he laughs because he feels better or if he is laughing at our reaction, but either way, he thinks its pretty funny! It’s not unusual for me and Jonathan to go through 2 or 3 outfits per day each. He absolutely loves the johnny jump up and his little car walker. He can sit in either of those for an hour and be content. He likes to walk all around our kitchen and hallway in the walker.

I still can’t believe they are all mine and that God trusted us to care for and love these two little boys! I cherish every minute I have had with them (yes, even the times I’m up at 3 AM) and can’t wait for another 6 months when we celebrate their 1st birthday.

2 peas in a pod

It was around this time last year (I think April 5, 2010) that we found we were not only have one one baby but having two…our 2 little peas in a pod! Its amazing that a year ago we were looking at a sonogram of two little blobs with heartbeats and now I have two live, happy, healthy baby boys that I can snuggle and kiss on anytime I want to!!

One of my moms sweet friends, Nancy, had some onsies made for the boys and they are absolutely adorable. They have two peas in a pod on the front and on the back of each of the onsies has the first initial of their names.

Since yesterday was such a warm day we put the boys in their onsies and took some pictures of them.

Hayden & Ian



Springtime & Bluebonnets

Ian & Hayden

Here in Texas, spring is all about the Bluebonnets. Any given Saturday or Sunday afternoon in the spring you can catch 5-6 cars on the side of the highway or other street taking pictures in the bluebonnets.

Well we decided to join the fellow bluebonnet picture takers this year. But not on the side of the highway….not with 2 infants! We found a spot close by our house with a TON of bluebonnets, perfect for picture taking.

We went with high hopes of getting some really good shots of the boys, but lets remember, they are infants. Infants that don’t sit up real well by themselves. Ian is really sitting up well these days by himself so that wasn’t a big issue with him, but both were more interested in the bluebonnets than they were looking at the camera!

I got some decent pictures but none really of their faces. Poor Hayden doesn’t really have any good ones of his face because he wouldn’t look up for anything! The only decent picture we got of the boys, my eyes were shut, but because its good of the boys I could care less what I looked like in it.

Me and my boys

Hayden looking at the bluebonnets

Hayden grabbing and trying to eat the bluebonnets

Ian sitting in the bluebonnets

Ian about to eat the bluebonnets

I’m sure next year we will have a whole new set of challenges while trying to get some good pictures in the bluebonnets but I’ll take what I can get!

5 months old

Hayden and Ian

Today my boys turn 5 months old and in the last month, they sure have started acting like little people instead of just baby blobs. I can’t believe how much they are growing and learning. Within the last month we have started a few different things with the boys, two of the biggest are sleep training, which includes scheduled naps in their bed and eating cereal. I’ll have a whole blog post later on sleep training, how we went about doing it, how successful it was, etc. In short, they boys are doing great with their sleeping but there is still some work to be done at nap time.

We started cereal a few weeks ago with Hayden and he just wasn’t ready for it, he kept sticking his tongue out an blocking his mouth as to say “I do not want that, you are not going to put it in my mouth!” So we waited and tried again this past week. We purposely waited until now to start feeding Ian cereal because the pediatrician was she wanted us to wait a little while longer with him due to his reflux and feeding issues. This weekend, both boys actually started eating it and were doing really well. They only eat a little bit at a time, but that’s enough for me. I’m sure they will start to eat more and more as time goes by. If they continue to do well with cereal this week, we may start squash or something else different next week, the possibilities are endless 😉


My Hayden is growing like crazy, it’s hard to believe he was once 4 lbs. He is eating 8 ounces at every feeding and you can tell he likes his food! He is our little one that needs his sleep and will let us know when he hasn’t had enough of it but will fight it to the end until he finally gives in. He has been known to sleep for 2 1/2 hours at nap time.

He has started to grab at things and anytime Presley comes around he reaches out for her. Neither him or Ian are afraid of her and actually love to be around her. He is definitely our tactile one, he loves to touch things and feel their texture. Not only that, but he loves to have human contact. He would sit in your lap or next to you all day long if you let him, he just loves to be with someone else and hates to be alone. Good thing he has a brother and playmate to share a room with 😉

Hayden is doing great at sitting up, with assistance of course – but only minimal assistance now days. He as learned to roll over from his tummy to his back (he was the first one to do this) but hasn’t yet learned how to go from his back to his tummy, although he wants to soooo bad. He is talking and babbling a lot as well as making a lot of new sounds. He has learned how to make bubbles (although I’m not sure he knows what he’s doing) and loves to do that while making some of his new found sounds. Most of the pictures you see of Hayden show his serious side, and he is more serious than Ian, but he is also a very happy baby and loves to laugh and smile.

His hair is finally growing! He’s got quite a bit of it but it is lighter than Ian’s so you can’t see it as well. It is also very coarse where Ian’s is very fine.


Our little Ian is one of the happiest babies I know. He always has a smile on his face or laughing at something. He doesn’t need as much sleep as his brother and usually only naps 45 mins -1 hour, although he has taken a 2 hour nap a few times. He will be happy, talking and laughing one minute and then start fussing the next, and that’s when you know he’s tired. You can sit down with him and 1 minute later he’s out. He usually only fusses for two reasons, he’s hungry or tired. Hayden has always been the snuggle bug but Ian has definitely earned that title as well now. I can’t tell you how many times he has sat in the chair with me just snuggling.

He is doing great at sitting up with assistance as well, and loves to stand up. He has rolled over from his tummy to his back and from his back to his tummy (he was first to do this). He doesn’t roll over a whole lot but will when he wants to. Ian loves to play with his toys and will fall asleep playing in his frog exersaucer (Hayden does this too).

Ian loves to talk, babble, laugh, and makes all kinds of sounds. He’ll just sit there making noises for 10 minutes straight. It never gets old listening to him.

He has found his feet and loves to lay on his back and grab them. He even tries to grab them sitting up! I’m just waiting for him to grab them and try to put them in his mouth. I’m sure once he figures out he can, he will.

He is doing great with his reflux. He remains on Prevacid and Zantac, although we have almost weaned him off the Zantac! We tried this once before and it didn’t work, so we gave it a few months and tried again, so far so good – I hope I didn’t just jinx it!!

I say this every month, but the boys are such a blessing and I thank God every day for them. I think back to this time a year ago when we had just found out we were pregnant, but didn’t know there were two. I recently saw a friend say they prayed for their daughter and their son was a blessing. Well, we prayed for one and were blessed with two! Can’t wait to see what this month brings!