Goodbye Paci

Last night we had a goodbye paci celebration. The boys are 3 1/2 and It was time to get rid of the paci. They had only had them when they slept for probably the last year and a half but we decided that it was time to say goodbye for good. So we tied the pacifier to some balloons and each boy got to let go of their paci as it went up into the sky. I wanted something tangible so they could really know they were gone for good. In return they each got a new toy! I’ll have a post about it soon…

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Adventure Day

Jonathan was on spring break this week from work (lucky, huh?), so we decided to take the boys on an adventure day sans baby sister. We took them to the Sci-Tech museum in Frisco, then a trip to chick Fila for lunch with some friends and finally a trip to Ikea. After that they crashed in the car on the way home. We want them well rested when we get home because operation goodbye paci is happening tonight! Wish us luck…

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