Mother’s Day

Although people tell me that last year when I was pregnant was my first Mother’s Day, This is my first official Mother’s Day. Motherhood, for me, started the day I finally got to hold my baby boys in my arms, and what a wonderful way to start that new job it was!

First day of Motherhood

Thinking back to my short 6 months of motherhood, I’ve come to some
conclusions. Motherhood is hard, but at the same time the best and most rewarding job I could ever ask for.

I call it a job because that’s just what it is, a job. But it is such a blessing and a praise that I get to do this job every day and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

As with any new job, you learn as you go. When you start out you don’t really know a whole lot but the longer you do it, the more you learn. And, eventually you learn enough to get by, or at least fool people into thinking you know what your doing. Motherhood is one of the only jobs you can be completely clueless for the first 90 days and not get fired!

Here are some of the things I have learned in the last 6 months:

1) sometimes you do what you have to do to get by. That may mean one baby has to cry while you are dealing the other baby.
2) you may not get a shower everyday…and thats ok
3) the way you do something may not be considered the “right” way to do it, but if it works for you and your baby, it’s the right way for you. (unless its dangerous of course)
4) your house probably won’t be as clean as it one was, or cleaned as often…same goes for the lawn, laundry and anything else that need regular maintenance
5) “me” time is pretty much non existent
6) spit up happens, so plan on changing your outfit at least once a day
7) you need to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own, this is a learned skill
8) when babies learn to sit up on their own, you get some of your freedom back
9) squash and carrots stain clothing, bibs, blankets, etc.
10) Biz is great at getting the above out of clothing, as long as it isn’t set
11) always double check to see if there are wipes in the box before you change a dirty diaper
12) always have a burp cloth handy
13) the more you have on your to do list, the shorter nap time will be, and nap time will NEVER be as long as you want it to be.
14) as a parent of multiples, you gain instant “celebrity” status when you are out and about
15) hearing your children laugh is one of the best sounds in the world
16) You can’t get home soon enough from your “real” job
17) babies wake up waaaay too early, but seeing that face smiling back at you when you go in their room makes it all ok
18) sometimes babies get too stimulated with a lot of people or noises around them
19) you need to take time for yourselves, whether it’s 5 mins or 2 hours.
20) If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

The best part of joining the motherhood club is watching your child learn things. It is a feeling I simply cannot put into words. Watching their face when they realize they can do something or helping them one day and a few days later they are doing it all by themselves. That is one of the best feelings in the world.

I am so thankful I was able to become a mom and that God entrusted these two precious boys to Jonathan and I, without them I would be lost!

me and my boys

I have to say that If it weren’t for my mom’s loving devotion and Godly example in my life, I would be lost. She is the only reason I know what to do and how to be a good mother. She has taught me by example to be loving, nurturing, self-sacrificing and patient. All of which are characteristics and attributes a mother should have.

Happy Mother’s Day Momma!!

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