6 months old

My boys were 6 months old yesterday…that’s half of a year! In some ways the time has flown by but in other ways it seems like it’s been a full year. They have grown so much in the last month, not only physically but developmentally too. It has been so fun to watch them grow and develop new skills and abilities.

The boys have started eating solid food and Ian really likes it, Hayden not as much…he’d rather drink his food. They have eaten green beans, squash, carrots (neither of them like carrots) and sweet potatoes. We’re waiting to introduce any sweet foods like bananas, apples, etc for as long as we can because if they are like their momma, they’ll develop a serious sweet tooth! 😉

The older the boys get, the more they notice one another and its funny to watch them interact. Hayden likes to touch Ian and be close to him. He will just put his hand on Ian’s back or arm or whatever, as long as he is touching him he’s ok.

Hayden and Ian

Although now Hayden is being a little more annoying than sweet when he tries to be close to Ian. He likes to try to pull on Ian’s Doc Band and the other day, he actually grabbed Ian’s pacifier out of his mouth and attempted to put it into his mouth – haha. But, being the #1 mom that I am, I didn’t really try to stop him once I saw his hand go towards Ian because I wanted to see what he would do. Hehe and he did just as I thought he would!

They are both sitting up really well these days. Ian has been sitting up about a week or two longer than Hayden and its amazing how much difference you’ll see in their strength in just a weeks time. It is so nice to be able to set them on the floor on a blanket with some toys and you can just sit their with them instead of having to hold them. It’s pretty difficult to sit their with two babies and hold both of them.

Hayden 6 months old

Hayden is such an explorer, he loves to see how things work. He can sit there and play with the knob on a drawer or the texture on the walls for 20 minutes and be completely content. He is doing really well at sitting up and loves to sit and play with some toys…as long as you are sitting there with him. He does not like being alone. It’s a good thing he has a built in roommate and playmate! He is coming out of his shell a little and will smile and laugh a lot more now. Hayden rolled over onto his stomach from his back a few weeks ago and sine then there is no keeping him off his stomach to sleep. He rolls all over the crib and absolutely loves to sleep on his tummy. This made Jonathan and I pretty nervous at first, but once they learn to roll over, there really isn’t anything we can do to stop. We were also given a little assurance from the pediatrician who said it was ok for him to sleep on stomach since he is rolling over on his own now. Within 10 seconds of putting him on his back, he rolls over. Hayden also loves to be outside. When he is fussy all we have to do is take him outside and let him sit in the grass or sit in your lap on the porch. Hayden has recently started to “talk” himself to sleep. He will kind of moan, groan, talk, etc when he is sleeping and dozing off. We can always tell when he is about to fall asleep just by listening to him.

Ian 6 months old

Ian is still our comic relief. The other day he entertained us for about 10 minutes when he was laughing at the dog just chewing her rawhide. Not sure what was so funny, but watching him was making us laugh. He get so excited about things, you can hold him and his legs will just kick and jump all over the place. Ian is a big flirt and will smile at you the second you smile at him. Ian loves looking out the car window, when we are in the car, we think he is asleep because he is so quiet, but he’s really wide awake just looking out the window at the world passing by. Ian has become our morning lark and is ready for bed about 6:00 PM, while Hayden is ready to play after his 8:00 PM bottle. Ian’s reflux is still doing great, but the spitting up has definitely showed its ugly face with a vengance. He will spit up, look at us and laugh. Not sure if he laughs because he feels better or if he is laughing at our reaction, but either way, he thinks its pretty funny! It’s not unusual for me and Jonathan to go through 2 or 3 outfits per day each. He absolutely loves the johnny jump up and his little car walker. He can sit in either of those for an hour and be content. He likes to walk all around our kitchen and hallway in the walker.

I still can’t believe they are all mine and that God trusted us to care for and love these two little boys! I cherish every minute I have had with them (yes, even the times I’m up at 3 AM) and can’t wait for another 6 months when we celebrate their 1st birthday.

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