Spring Pictures

We decided to try to get some pictures of the boys at the Arboretum this spring, and like most photos of infants, you get what you get and you have to be happy with that. Overall I think we got some good photos, even though the boys were more interested in the grass than looking at the camera. Here are some of the best ones:

Hayden & Ian ~ 6 months old






Our Family

Next year we’ll have a whole new set of problems while trying to get photos and even though we may not have gotten that “perfect” photo of the boys, we did get some great ones that I’ll cherish forever!

Mother’s Day

Although people tell me that last year when I was pregnant was my first Mother’s Day, This is my first official Mother’s Day. Motherhood, for me, started the day I finally got to hold my baby boys in my arms, and what a wonderful way to start that new job it was!

First day of Motherhood

Thinking back to my short 6 months of motherhood, I’ve come to some
conclusions. Motherhood is hard, but at the same time the best and most rewarding job I could ever ask for.

I call it a job because that’s just what it is, a job. But it is such a blessing and a praise that I get to do this job every day and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

As with any new job, you learn as you go. When you start out you don’t really know a whole lot but the longer you do it, the more you learn. And, eventually you learn enough to get by, or at least fool people into thinking you know what your doing. Motherhood is one of the only jobs you can be completely clueless for the first 90 days and not get fired!

Here are some of the things I have learned in the last 6 months:

1) sometimes you do what you have to do to get by. That may mean one baby has to cry while you are dealing the other baby.
2) you may not get a shower everyday…and thats ok
3) the way you do something may not be considered the “right” way to do it, but if it works for you and your baby, it’s the right way for you. (unless its dangerous of course)
4) your house probably won’t be as clean as it one was, or cleaned as often…same goes for the lawn, laundry and anything else that need regular maintenance
5) “me” time is pretty much non existent
6) spit up happens, so plan on changing your outfit at least once a day
7) you need to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own, this is a learned skill
8) when babies learn to sit up on their own, you get some of your freedom back
9) squash and carrots stain clothing, bibs, blankets, etc.
10) Biz is great at getting the above out of clothing, as long as it isn’t set
11) always double check to see if there are wipes in the box before you change a dirty diaper
12) always have a burp cloth handy
13) the more you have on your to do list, the shorter nap time will be, and nap time will NEVER be as long as you want it to be.
14) as a parent of multiples, you gain instant “celebrity” status when you are out and about
15) hearing your children laugh is one of the best sounds in the world
16) You can’t get home soon enough from your “real” job
17) babies wake up waaaay too early, but seeing that face smiling back at you when you go in their room makes it all ok
18) sometimes babies get too stimulated with a lot of people or noises around them
19) you need to take time for yourselves, whether it’s 5 mins or 2 hours.
20) If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

The best part of joining the motherhood club is watching your child learn things. It is a feeling I simply cannot put into words. Watching their face when they realize they can do something or helping them one day and a few days later they are doing it all by themselves. That is one of the best feelings in the world.

I am so thankful I was able to become a mom and that God entrusted these two precious boys to Jonathan and I, without them I would be lost!

me and my boys

I have to say that If it weren’t for my mom’s loving devotion and Godly example in my life, I would be lost. She is the only reason I know what to do and how to be a good mother. She has taught me by example to be loving, nurturing, self-sacrificing and patient. All of which are characteristics and attributes a mother should have.

Happy Mother’s Day Momma!!

Sleep Training

Who would have thought that you could train yourself to sleep? Well, for adults this is difficult, but for a baby it is a necessity. Babies crave the closeness of another human being, mainly their mom and dad, and like to be held and rocked to sleep, after a while they get used to this. This is where the problem lies. The baby gets used to being rocked to sleep and never learns to fall asleep by themselves. Not only does this cause a problem for them at bedtime, but it causes issues related to waking in the middle of the night as well since the baby is not able to fall back asleep by him/herself.

Waking in the middle of the night a lot can cause a whole other problem of the baby not getting enough sleep and then being sleep deprived which can in turn cause….sleep issues. It’s a vicious cycle. Night time sleep issues tends to carry over into nap time problems as well, which again, can cause sleep deprivation.

There are so many different sleep training methods out there and it can be quite confusing when trying to figure out which one you will try. Our boys were about 4.5 months old when we even tried to start sleep training. They would take naps all throughout the day but only 30 mins at a time and we could tell they were not getting enough sleep. The boys have always slept pretty well but they would wake up a few times a night just wanting a pacifier or us to get them back to sleep. When we dropped the middle of the night bottle but were still getting up 3-4 times a night to get them back to sleep, we knew something had to change.

Everything you read says you need to put your child in bed awake, but drowsy. If you constantly put them in bed asleep, they will never learn to fall asleep by themselves and when they wake up in the middle of the night, they won’t be able to fall back asleep. So we make sure we put them to sleep awake, sometimes they are pretty drowsy and sometimes they are wide awake.

We chose to do the cry it out method . Before you go and judge us for letting our children lay in bed and cry themselves to sleep, you should first educate yourself on what the cry it out method entails. It does not mean laying your child in bed, shutting the door and letting them cry for an hour until they go to sleep. What it means is you put them in bed, kiss them, tell them goodnight and leave the room. Of course at first they are going to cry, we had a set time that we would let them cry and then go back in, give them their pacifier, put our hand on their chest, say goodnight and walk out. You wait the set time again and then go back in and repeat the process all over. We chose to wait 5 minutes the first two visits into the room and then extended it to 10-12 minutes there after. They wouldn’t cry the whole time either, they would whimper some and cry some and then there would be periods where they were quiet. After a few nights they got to the point of crying a little for no more than 2-3 minutes and then they were out.

After they started going to sleep easier, they would sleep through the night better and by about 5 months they were sleeping 11 or 12 hours straight. They would wake up some through the night but once we gave them their pacifier back, they would go right back to sleep. Of course now that they are teething, it does throw a wrench in things. The last few nights, they have woken up quite upset and had a hard time going back to sleep.

Another thing that helps with sleep training is to keep a consistent bedtime routine. We give the boys their bath starting about 7:00 pm and then get them dressed and let them play a little bit in their room before bottles. Once they drink their last bottle, we put them in their “happy sacks” and say good night. They may whimper for a minute or two, but some nights they don’t. And they usually sleep until the morning. They had been sleeping until 8:30AM or so but the last week they have been getting up about 730 AM so it may be time to make their bedtime a little earlier.

The type of sleep training we did worked for us. It may or may not work for you. Every child is different, even our two are different. Hayden can lay in the bed and cry and then go to sleep, while Ian gets worked up the more he cries and there is no going to sleep after that. So we let Hayden cry a little longer than we let Ian. If you are interested in sleep training your child, just try different avenues and find a solution that works for you and your family. Luckily we did find a solution for our babies and I praise God they sleep well because with two babies getting up all throughout the night, we would never sleep.

6 months old

My boys were 6 months old yesterday…that’s half of a year! In some ways the time has flown by but in other ways it seems like it’s been a full year. They have grown so much in the last month, not only physically but developmentally too. It has been so fun to watch them grow and develop new skills and abilities.

The boys have started eating solid food and Ian really likes it, Hayden not as much…he’d rather drink his food. They have eaten green beans, squash, carrots (neither of them like carrots) and sweet potatoes. We’re waiting to introduce any sweet foods like bananas, apples, etc for as long as we can because if they are like their momma, they’ll develop a serious sweet tooth! 😉

The older the boys get, the more they notice one another and its funny to watch them interact. Hayden likes to touch Ian and be close to him. He will just put his hand on Ian’s back or arm or whatever, as long as he is touching him he’s ok.

Hayden and Ian

Although now Hayden is being a little more annoying than sweet when he tries to be close to Ian. He likes to try to pull on Ian’s Doc Band and the other day, he actually grabbed Ian’s pacifier out of his mouth and attempted to put it into his mouth – haha. But, being the #1 mom that I am, I didn’t really try to stop him once I saw his hand go towards Ian because I wanted to see what he would do. Hehe and he did just as I thought he would!

They are both sitting up really well these days. Ian has been sitting up about a week or two longer than Hayden and its amazing how much difference you’ll see in their strength in just a weeks time. It is so nice to be able to set them on the floor on a blanket with some toys and you can just sit their with them instead of having to hold them. It’s pretty difficult to sit their with two babies and hold both of them.

Hayden 6 months old

Hayden is such an explorer, he loves to see how things work. He can sit there and play with the knob on a drawer or the texture on the walls for 20 minutes and be completely content. He is doing really well at sitting up and loves to sit and play with some toys…as long as you are sitting there with him. He does not like being alone. It’s a good thing he has a built in roommate and playmate! He is coming out of his shell a little and will smile and laugh a lot more now. Hayden rolled over onto his stomach from his back a few weeks ago and sine then there is no keeping him off his stomach to sleep. He rolls all over the crib and absolutely loves to sleep on his tummy. This made Jonathan and I pretty nervous at first, but once they learn to roll over, there really isn’t anything we can do to stop. We were also given a little assurance from the pediatrician who said it was ok for him to sleep on stomach since he is rolling over on his own now. Within 10 seconds of putting him on his back, he rolls over. Hayden also loves to be outside. When he is fussy all we have to do is take him outside and let him sit in the grass or sit in your lap on the porch. Hayden has recently started to “talk” himself to sleep. He will kind of moan, groan, talk, etc when he is sleeping and dozing off. We can always tell when he is about to fall asleep just by listening to him.

Ian 6 months old

Ian is still our comic relief. The other day he entertained us for about 10 minutes when he was laughing at the dog just chewing her rawhide. Not sure what was so funny, but watching him was making us laugh. He get so excited about things, you can hold him and his legs will just kick and jump all over the place. Ian is a big flirt and will smile at you the second you smile at him. Ian loves looking out the car window, when we are in the car, we think he is asleep because he is so quiet, but he’s really wide awake just looking out the window at the world passing by. Ian has become our morning lark and is ready for bed about 6:00 PM, while Hayden is ready to play after his 8:00 PM bottle. Ian’s reflux is still doing great, but the spitting up has definitely showed its ugly face with a vengance. He will spit up, look at us and laugh. Not sure if he laughs because he feels better or if he is laughing at our reaction, but either way, he thinks its pretty funny! It’s not unusual for me and Jonathan to go through 2 or 3 outfits per day each. He absolutely loves the johnny jump up and his little car walker. He can sit in either of those for an hour and be content. He likes to walk all around our kitchen and hallway in the walker.

I still can’t believe they are all mine and that God trusted us to care for and love these two little boys! I cherish every minute I have had with them (yes, even the times I’m up at 3 AM) and can’t wait for another 6 months when we celebrate their 1st birthday.

Doc Bands

As I have mentioned before, the boys needed to get Doc Bands to help reshape their heads. Both boys have what’s called Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly. This effects a large portion of twins due to limited space in the womb and a lot end up needing the bands . I knew Hayden would need one the first second I saw him, he was positioned very low in utero and didn’t move positions at all throughout the entire pregnancy. Ian on the other hand wasn’t nearly as bad but still needed one.

The boys got their Doc Bands a week ago and are quickly adjusting to life with a band attached to their head. They are supposed to wear the bands 23 hours a day with only 1 hour off for bath and to clean the band. So far we haven’t had a full 23 hours in the band. At first you are supposed to check them every 3-4 hours and if there is any redness leave the band off until it goes away. Well we’ve had some issues of getting really red and some skin breaking. But we have had each issue addressed by cranial tech, who we are using.

The boys weren’t too sure about the bands at first, but were great and didn’t pull on them or try to take them off or anything.

Ian in his Doc Band

Hayden in his Doc Band

They are sleeping in the bands and honestly, we expected them not to sleep well the first night or two. I don’t think it even phased them! They slept fine with the bands on.

The boys sure don’t let the bands keep them from playing. They love to play in their jumperoo and walker and won’t let that band stop them.



The bands are just a white plastic and very medical like. So to make them a little more friendly and pleasant looking, we added a sticker to the back of each band and their names on the front so we can know which band belongs to each boy. The sticker says “Monkey See” on one and the other says “Monkey Do”…

back of the bands

There is a company in our area that does car wraps called 360 Wraps and they have started doing wraps on Doc Bands and other medical prosthetics for kids. They started out doing a few and it got so big they decided to start doing a once a month party where families can come and get their bands wrapped for free. We missed the April part because we got the band the same day as the party, so we are going to go to the May party and get their bands wrapped. I’ll post pictures once we get them done.

Like I mentioned earlier, there have been some issues with skin readness, rubbing and even skin breaking from the bands. Usually its not that bad and typically clears up in a short period of time. Well, I got Hayden up this morning and took his band off and this is what I saw…
This is what happens when you have a stomach sleeper and his face is pressed against the band all night. It has cleared up throughout the day and looks much better but we are leaving it off until it completely fades away.

We went for our weekly adjustment and there has already been some improvement in both of their head shapes. Both of their heads have grown a good amount so we had to have the bands adjusted so the growth will be redirected in the right ways. We will go back weekly for the duration of treatment and hope to continue to see improvements like we did today.

2 peas in a pod

It was around this time last year (I think April 5, 2010) that we found we were not only have one one baby but having two…our 2 little peas in a pod! Its amazing that a year ago we were looking at a sonogram of two little blobs with heartbeats and now I have two live, happy, healthy baby boys that I can snuggle and kiss on anytime I want to!!

One of my moms sweet friends, Nancy, had some onsies made for the boys and they are absolutely adorable. They have two peas in a pod on the front and on the back of each of the onsies has the first initial of their names.

Since yesterday was such a warm day we put the boys in their onsies and took some pictures of them.

Hayden & Ian



Springtime & Bluebonnets

Ian & Hayden

Here in Texas, spring is all about the Bluebonnets. Any given Saturday or Sunday afternoon in the spring you can catch 5-6 cars on the side of the highway or other street taking pictures in the bluebonnets.

Well we decided to join the fellow bluebonnet picture takers this year. But not on the side of the highway….not with 2 infants! We found a spot close by our house with a TON of bluebonnets, perfect for picture taking.

We went with high hopes of getting some really good shots of the boys, but lets remember, they are infants. Infants that don’t sit up real well by themselves. Ian is really sitting up well these days by himself so that wasn’t a big issue with him, but both were more interested in the bluebonnets than they were looking at the camera!

I got some decent pictures but none really of their faces. Poor Hayden doesn’t really have any good ones of his face because he wouldn’t look up for anything! The only decent picture we got of the boys, my eyes were shut, but because its good of the boys I could care less what I looked like in it.

Me and my boys

Hayden looking at the bluebonnets

Hayden grabbing and trying to eat the bluebonnets

Ian sitting in the bluebonnets

Ian about to eat the bluebonnets

I’m sure next year we will have a whole new set of challenges while trying to get some good pictures in the bluebonnets but I’ll take what I can get!

funny video

Since having our twins, Jonathan and I are like celebrities when we are out with the boys. Ok, it’s more like the boys are celeberites. We get stopped pretty often and asked all kinds of questions. Some you don’t know how to answer or what to say in response. I found this video a while back and this pretty much sums up most of our conversations and what I feel like saying sometimes.

What I really like is the fact that the woman who had twins is wearing a tennis skirt and a mid drift after having twins!!

Weekend fun with mom & dad (as told by Hayden & Ian)

Hayden: Hi this is Hayden…well, Ian is here too but he is too busy laughing at a rock right now to talk. We wanted to tell you all about our great weekend we had with mom and dad.

It started on Thursday when mom came home from work early and was able to play with us. Ian was fussy all day and driving dad crazy, and of course I, Hayden, was the angel all day.

Ian: Hold up… this is Ian, and he was not the angel all day like he wants you to believe. By the way… have you seen this rock?! Look at it! I can’t stop laughing!

Hayden: Whatever Ian… since you’re too busy laughing, I’ll keep telling the story. So for dinner on Thursday night mom wanted us to try some new bottles, I guess you can call them bottles, I don’t know what they were. We liked them though because we could hold onto it and pull it out of our mouths when we wanted and then put it back in when we were hungry again.

Ian & Hayden drinking from their Podee bottles

Ian: Hey don’t forget to tell them about that loud woooo and dance dad was doing during the day! That was crazy!

Hayden: Oh yeah… (chuckle). It was pretty crazy!

So, let’s see, where was I? After dinner we went outside and played in the grass in the backyard. We can’t wait for another year or two when we will be able to run all around the yard chasing Presley or kicking a ball, that will be so much fun. But for now, all we can do is sit in the grass with mom and dad. But that’s just as fun for us because we had never seen this grass stuff before. It’s kind of itchy and feels weird on our feet. Mom took some pictures of us so we can remember our first time in the grass.

Ian - 5 months old

Hayden - 5 months old

Hayden & Ian

Friday was a fun day too. We went and got a lot of pictures taken of our heads for our DOC Bands we are about to get. Mom and dad said they had to take our pictures so we can get a molding done of our heads so the bands will fit correctly and not wobble around or make our heads even more misshaped, we sure don’t want that. The nice lady put this stocking thing over our head to flatten our hair down, because you know Ian’s chia-pet hair is everywhere.

My hair is so short it wasn’t that bad but I still had to wear the stocking , just you wait though, one day I’ll have luscious locks just like my brothers! The stocking didn’t bother either of us, we were big boys and didn’t fuss or cry or anything. Mom and dad said we were champs! Of course mom took pictures – we can’t do anything without having a picture taken, she keeps telling us that one day we’ll be glad she took so many pictures – we’ll have to see about that.

Hayden gets his DSI images for the DOC Band

Ian gets his DSI images for the DOC Band

Ian: After our pictures the physical therapist had to look at them and make sure we got good ones before we were able to leave, so mom and dad had to keep us entertained for a little while. That’s always fun. Nobody entertains us quite like they do. And I think dad wanted to do his loud woo again but I think he was afraid to make too much noise.

Daddy was making some funny faces at us

Hayden getting some tummy time in

Ian's tummy time

Hayden: Friday was a busy day for us and we didn’t take a good nap so we were kind of fussy that afternoon. Mom tried to keep us entertained and put her glasses on us…we looked pretty funny.

Ian wearing mommy's glasses

Hayden wearing mommy's glasses

That night Gramma and Grandpa came over to give us our bath and put us to bed while mommy and daddy went out to eat. Like I said, we were pretty fussy that day so I’m sure Mom and Dad were thankful for a little break.

Saturday morning we woke up and mom and dad brought us into their room and let us lay on their bed for a while before we are breakfast. That was a treat because we don’t get to sleep in their room, they say we need to learn to sleep in our own beds in our own room. After our snuggle time and breakfast in bed we got dressed and went to our cousin, Jake’s soccer game. Then we went to eat with Grammy and Pappa before going to check out our Uncle Brad’s new gymnastics facility. That was fun! We got to watch him and our cousin, Brooklyn, jump on the trampoline and pappa even let us play on a mat with him.

Pappa and Hayden

Ian: Because we were on some really soft mats mommy let us practice our sitting up, we’re getting pretty good at it!



Hayden & Ian

Hayden, Brooklyn & Ian

We were so worn out we slept the entire way home, I think mom even fell asleep too. We had such a fun and busy day that when mom put down to sleep we were out like a light.

This morning we ate our breakfast and then mom gave us some new food to try. We were eating rice cereal before but we got to try some squash today. At first we didn’t know what to think of this new food, it tasted weird and the texture was different. But after a few bites we ended up liking it and ate quite a bit. She said that we will get to try another new food next week, wonder what it will be this time?!

Hayden eating squash

Ian eating squash

Later after we had our morning nap we played on our playmat and Hayden found his feet. I found mine a few weeks ago and love to play with them but Hayden just found his and I think he has a new found love for them as well.

Our cousins Jake and Brooklyn came by to play with us for a little while before our nap on Sunday and we were so hyped up from all the fun with them we didn’t want to take a nap. Eventually we did fall asleep though.

So that was our fun weekend with mom and dad, we don’t want it to end… but tomorrow we’ll get to play with Gramma and then on Tuesday with Grammy.