Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius

Jesus in the desert - Day 21

While I agree more with Shane Claiborne’s understanding of Jesus’ politics these two clips are pure Stephen Colbert genius…

Just wait for the great closer at the end of clip 2.

Part 1:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Christmas Holy Week
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog March to Keep Fear Alive

Part 2:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Jesus Is a Liberal Democrat
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog March to Keep Fear Alive

If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we’ve got to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we’ve got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition — and then admit that we just don’t want to do it.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

7 thoughts on “Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius”

  1. Funny stuff, and on the mark in a lot of ways, but also way off… Jesus’ calls to sacrifice were to individuals who sought to follow him, not to the government.
    When human institutions attempt the same ideas without Christ it becomes a failed system because freedom is taken out of the equation. Forced charity (the governmental variety) under control of self-serving people cannot match the real difference-making community activism done by individuals.

    1. I hear ya.
      That’s why I’m much more in favor what Shane Claiborne says rather than Stephen Colbert (although I love the irony and absurdity that Colbert and Stewart continue to point out… I’m a fan of most folks who keep pointing out that the emperor is wearing no clothes.)
      Shane’s been quoted as saying, “When we truly learn to love – capitalism won’t be possible and socialism won’t be necessary.”
      The problem we’ve come to is the Church has failed.
      The Church has left the calling of Jesus and left it up to the government to do what it was called to do.
      And that comes on both sides of the aisle.
      Republicans = forced morality
      Democrats = forced charity
      Neither work.
      Changes have to take place on an individual/heart level and no government can force that.

  2. so show me the part of the Christian Bible where Jesus commands us to judge others and to love and give only with the condition that the gift be used in the way that we command.

    wait. he never did.

    Sue and others like her need to learn the meaning of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

    that is all.

  3. Jonathan, You are kidding right ? Jesus a liberal.The bible says to give liberally. Other than that liberalism(mans philosophy)is an abomination to GOD. Furthermore, anyone who mocks GOD fearing people is an abomination and Colbert is one of them.It doesn’t matter if it is in the context of a joke. He clearly has a liberal slant.Liberals believe in tolerance and that is ok, providing that they don’t tolerate sin. Unfortunately that is what the liberals do. They substitute right for wrong and wrong for right. They talk about not being judged ad nauseum. Probably because they know that they are doing wrong and there concious bothers them.They are hard headed and want GOD on their terms or they
    won’t listen. Don’t worry,i won’t judge you but GOD will.

  4. God is fond of people ,but he is not fond of sin. GOD loves us but is not pleased with us because we say so. If we don’t live in accordance with his word we will face the consequenses.It is not the gospel of wishful thinking but the gospel of Jesus Christ. No amount of the warm fuzzies and positive thinking will save us. Read the scriptures and receive GOD on his terms.Our terms lead to destruction. Let the gospel of Christ rule and reign in your heart

  5. Jesus was a sandal wearing liberal hippy. I’ve read and reread that book and that’s all I got every time. If God fearing people don’t want to be mocked they shouldn’t themselves into such gigantic targets.

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