Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius

Jesus in the desert - Day 21

While I agree more with Shane Claiborne’s understanding of Jesus’ politics these two clips are pure Stephen Colbert genius…

Just wait for the great closer at the end of clip 2.
Continue reading Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius

How do you define conservative?

The GOP candidates are struggling to find a clear leader in the 2008 presidential campaign.
Rudy’s been in the lead since the beginning but Mike Huckabee is within striking distance now.
The fight seems to be over who can out-conservative their opponents.
My question to you – how do you define conservative?
Whether your a conservative or not – how do you define a political conservative? how do you define a political liberal?

Mr Way too Liberal for Texas Guy

Chris Bell and me at a campaign stop in Waxahachie

As a follow up to the “Mr Way too Proud of Texas Guy” from Budweiser, the Rick Perry campaign is about to drop a new radio ad against Chris Bell. It goes to show you that the Republican campaign has a sense of humor too.

It is absolutely hilarious.

I may have to vote for Perry just for releasing this ad.


According to “insiders” the radio ad drop this afternoon on the air.