How I found heaven at What-a-Burger (hint – it’s in me)

Me in the morning :: Wednesday's Whatastudy

As part of our weekly What-a-Study men’s group on Wednesday mornings, we’ve been chewing on Ephesians for the last several weeks.

We’ve been taking it chunk by chunk, roughly 10-15 verses at a time and chewing on the passages with the symbol study that Aaron suggested a while back.

So this past week we were focused on the first portion of Ephesians 2 (Eph 2:1-10).
Continue reading How I found heaven at What-a-Burger (hint – it’s in me)

Whataburger (was) open to comments

Whataburger new "Premium" coffee

An addition to my previous post

Whataburger had a great feature on their website… Whataburger Stories.

People had the opportunity to send in their stories from Whataburger and share them with the world.

That’s an idea I think everyone could use and add to their website.

Especially a previously mentioned competitor of Whataburger.