Dr. Ron Paul sets record and heads to New Hampshire

From NPR:

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, a maverick Republican, set a one-day Internet fundraising record after raking in $4.3 million. Many consider his presidential hopes a long shot but Paul is taking his Web-fueled campaign on the road to New Hampshire.

The NPR story makes the point that as a Libertarian minded Republican, Ron Paul is attractive to many people who want the freedom to do what they want to do.

“That lack of a single focus is one of Paul’s strengths on the Internet. He has a little something for everyone. The pothead can take focus on Paul’s stand to legalize medical marijuana and the pro-lifer can take solace in Paul’s view that there’s no constitutional right to abortion. But could those supporters co-exist in a real life campaign? Ron Paul says they can.”
“So far nobody is getting up there and putting disclaimers on there and saying well I support Ron Paul except for…,” Ron Paul said. “They just say I’m supporting Ron Paul’s campaign which is really supporting the constitution and individual liberty.”

Brownback may pull out today

Sen. Sam Brownback may pull out of the presidential race today, sighting a lack of funds as reason why.
Here’s to hoping he endorses Mike Huckabee or someone else he really believes in, rather than just simply endorsing a top tier candidate because they’re “top tier.” I’d even be happy if he endorsed Ron Paul, as long as he did it for the right reasons.