Ron Paul ads in New Hamshire

Are folks in New Hampshire really this dopey?
I can agree with a lot Ron Paul says, and if Huckabee wasn’t in the race, I might be supporting him, but his first ad in New Hampshire is just goofy.
Here’s his 2nd.
Thanks to Vince for the heads up.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

2 thoughts on “Ron Paul ads in New Hamshire”

  1. Good for you! Not everyone is going to agree with everything that Ron Paul has to say, but please do your country this one favor, write you choice candidate’s campaign and tell them what you like about Ron Paul’s stand on whatever issues you agree with. Perhaps we can get the GOP back on the course of limited Government again.

  2. Good for you! Not everyone is going to agree with everything that Ron Paul has to say, but please do your country this one favor, write you choice candidate’s campaign and tell them what you like about Ron Paul’s stand on whatever issues you agree with. Perhaps we can get the GOP back on the course of limited Government again.

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