Dr. Ron Paul sets record and heads to New Hampshire

From NPR:

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, a maverick Republican, set a one-day Internet fundraising record after raking in $4.3 million. Many consider his presidential hopes a long shot but Paul is taking his Web-fueled campaign on the road to New Hampshire.

The NPR story makes the point that as a Libertarian minded Republican, Ron Paul is attractive to many people who want the freedom to do what they want to do.

“That lack of a single focus is one of Paul’s strengths on the Internet. He has a little something for everyone. The pothead can take focus on Paul’s stand to legalize medical marijuana and the pro-lifer can take solace in Paul’s view that there’s no constitutional right to abortion. But could those supporters co-exist in a real life campaign? Ron Paul says they can.”
“So far nobody is getting up there and putting disclaimers on there and saying well I support Ron Paul except for…,” Ron Paul said. “They just say I’m supporting Ron Paul’s campaign which is really supporting the constitution and individual liberty.”

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

4 thoughts on “Dr. Ron Paul sets record and heads to New Hampshire”

  1. Jonathan,

    Ron Paul’s campaign isn’t really such a “long shot.”

    The latest Rasmussen, USA Today/Gallup, and CNN polls have him at 5% nationally — and those were all taken *before* his big $4 million day.

    And we still have two months before the first primary! Lots of baseball left to be played.

  2. Jonathan,

    Ron Paul’s campaign isn’t really such a “long shot.”

    The latest Rasmussen, USA Today/Gallup, and CNN polls have him at 5% nationally — and those were all taken *before* his big $4 million day.

    And we still have two months before the first primary! Lots of baseball left to be played.

  3. I like Ron Paul’s chances. He is the most searched for candidate on Google and won most of the straw polls. I think the old media is just clueless or they have another agenda. I don’t even watch tv much anymore, and never ever watch the propaganda they call news at the alphabet networks.

  4. I like Ron Paul’s chances. He is the most searched for candidate on Google and won most of the straw polls. I think the old media is just clueless or they have another agenda. I don’t even watch tv much anymore, and never ever watch the propaganda they call news at the alphabet networks.

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