Sorry my posts have lacked in originality as of late… getting moved and unpacked has taken up much of my focus and inspiration as of late.
The whole moving process reminds me that I still have a LOT of stuff — and a lot more decluttering needs to be done. It’s amazing to realize how our things can have such a tight grip on us.
I was talking with a friend last night about our homes and how they’ve changed over the last 50 years.
We were saying how amazing it is that our grandparents had homes half the size of ours (or maybe even smaller) and had plenty of room for their stuff and the entire family.
And if they were to put our sectional in their living room, it would fill up more than half the space. You’d be challenged to get from one room to the other.
So not only do we seem to have more stuff — but it’s gotten bigger to boot!
Yet we continue to pile more and more stuff on top of the things we already have.
Continue reading Enjoying the moments