Love them like Jesus

Sunday night on Powertalk we had two calls asking how to respond to their friends who were unbelievers. One was an Atheist and and another, a Muslim.

I believe the real root of their questions was, “How do we convert Atheists and Muslims?”

I encouraged them to simply love them — regardless of their beliefs and love them regardless of whether or not they come to a saving knowledge of Jesus or not.

To often we know the “facts” of our faith and forget about the relationship of our faith.

My father-in-law shared a story with me about a woman who had converted from Islam to Christianity. She said the key factor in her decision was when she realized she could have a personal relationship with Jesus — something she had not had before.

People are dying for real relationships and real love.

I hope we can come to a point in our faith where we’re not about arguing or debating the facts and apologetics of our faith with unbelievers — but simply loving them like Jesus…

What are your thoughts?

What was it that brought you to Jesus?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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