(Reading Day 26 of #B90X)
Tag: Flickr
Kingdom (social) media done well
Wanted to highlight a few folks/groups that have really impressed me as of late in putting social media to great use for The Kingdom.
The first is Trinity Wall Street.
While their site itself is not full of social media tools – @headphonaught passed along a great way they’re telling the story of Jesus the Messiah today.
From noon to 3 p.m. today they twittered the entire passion story of Jesus’ last hours on the cross via GroupTweet.
via @tc226: This man befriends prostitutes, washes the feet of the poor – surely he is not a King but a blasphemer.
and the part of the story I’ve been meditating on today…
via @ServingGirl: Darkness and earthquake. I heard the curtain in the temple was torn in two. I wonder…
If you missed the story/play visit their twitter stream and scroll back to follow the story from the beginning.
Next, Church in the Cliff, which is just north of me in Oak Cliff has launched their new site built around lots of great social media tools.
The site itself is limited in wordy information. Other than the blog on the site, there’s only one other page on the site itself, a brief about us page.
The front page highlights their Flickr group, a tab/link to their Facebook group and one to their Twitter feed as well. They’re also using YouTube and a weekly Lifestream.
As a side note, Church in the Cliff has also come up with a great creative, transformative way to share God’s story this Resurrection season as well. They’ve put together an entire Stations of the Cross, using DART rail stations in Dallas. There’s a meditation guide on their site for folks and they’ll have their folks stationed at different areas to help add in the process. (although at the moment I can’t seem to find the PDF for downloading ) .
Finally, I’d be amiss if I didn’t mention Mark Horvath (aka @hardlynormal and @invisiblepeople). We had Mark on our show a few weeks back. He’s putting social media to use in big ways, telling the stories of “invisible people” and the homeless and the media. Just look at his list of accounts:
- http://pitch.pe/4732
- http://invisiblepeople.tv
- http://hardlynormal.com
- http://markhorvath.net
- http://twitter.com/hardlynormal
- http://twitter.com/invisiblepeople
- http://facebook.invisiblepeople.tv
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/mhorvath
- http://www.myspace.com/invisiblepeopletv
- http://www.squidoo.com/invisiblepeopletv
So there are a few folks who are doing Kingdom (social) media well. Follow them, get inspiration and then find your own unique ways to tell God’s story.
Who else have you seen that’s putting social media to great use?
A few resolutions for 2009
I’ve been thinking through things I want to get done this next year.
I’m hoping to keep things simple this year. I hope this year is less about me and more about others. I hope to simplify in areas where I can. I hope to love more and I hope to give more.
Here are a few other specifics I’m wanting to do this year.
- Restarting – and completing the Flickr 365 challenge. One photo of me per day for an entire year.
- Publishing my first book – St. Peter’s Brewery.
- Read through the entire Bible again this year. (I plan to use YouVersion on my Blackberry to help me get it done.
- Read at least 20 books this year.
- Spend more quality time with my Life.
- Ask her less annoying questions of my Life.
A few things I’d also like to shoot for but I haven’t moved into the “goal” category quite yet…
- Finish paying off our consumer debt
- Plant a garden
- Recycle more
- Consume less
- Give 10% of my income away
What are your goals for the new year?
love wins.
love wins.
Originally uploaded by speakkthesewords.
i can’t imagine the world any other way.
My Bucket List
Friday night Laurie and turned off the Olympic opening ceremonies (yes I know a cardinal sin) and watched the Bucket List. I loved it. She wasn’t as impressed.
The idea behind the movie is two men are dying of cancer and are only expected to have six months to live, so they make a list of all the things they want to do before they “kick the bucket.”
The movie reminded me of the “life goal list” Mark Batterson challenges folks to create in his first book, “In a Pit With a Lion On a Snowy Day.” Basically a list of 100 things that you want to do/accomplish before your life is over.
Been thinking through some of my goals (especially realizing that I only a little more than have 4 full months left to complete my goals for 2008). Looks like I’ve blown one of them already – the take a photo each day of me in 2008. I think I lost focus/motivation after folks said they were getting bored with my photo selection in mid-April. Hopefully I’ll pick it back up next year – but maybe just take a photo a day – rather than a photo of me each day.
So far I did finish rebuilding a new encounter website as well as rebuilding the CasadeBlundell.com website (with a lot of great help and insight from my life).
I think I’ll easily meet my reading goal for the year. I’ve completed 10, almost finished with #11 and just received #12 and have #13-15 currently being shipped from Amazon.com.
My last goals that I’m still worried about/shooting for are:
- Finish losing weight. My goal weight is 205. I’ve got about 20 more lbs to go.
- See 8 new community groups started at encounter.
- Get 4 new people on the sound or media shout rotation at encounter.
So… all that said – what about my Bucket List? Well, I’m still thinking it though. I’ll give you one of them though… bungee jumping.
Now how about you? What’s on your Bucket List?
related ::
IMDB :: the bucket list
SSL :: goals for 2008
the “new” casadeblundell.com
the “new” encounterthis.com
how to be interesting
Thomas shares a great post on how to be interesting.
- Take at least one picture everyday. Post it to flickr.
- Start a blog. Write at least one sentence every week.
- Keep a scrapbook
- Every week, read a magazine you’ve never read before
- Once a month interview someone for 20 minutes, work out how to make them interesting. Podcast it.
Collect something - Once a week sit in a coffee-shop or cafe for an hour and listen to other people’s conversations. Take notes. Blog about it. (Carefully)
- Every month write 50 words about one piece of visual art, one piece of writing, one piece of music and one piece of film or TV. Do other art forms if you can. Blog about it
- Make something
- Read:
* Understanding Comics – Scott McCloud
* The Mezzanine – Nicholson Baker
* The Visual Display Of Quantitative Information – Edward Tufte
I think I’m a pretty interesting chap – but one trap I find myself sinking into is sharing so much with the world via the interweb that I don’t stop and take time to share that with others in real life. And other times, I forget to take the time to find out what makes other people interesting and sharing those things with others.
I think that’s one thing I try to do when we host dinner parties, or work on the something beautiful podcast, or introduce friends – make each person see what makes the other person interesting.
In other words – this person must have some qualities/values that I find to be interesting – so be sure and share those qualities with others when you introduce them.
And also, find the beauty in each person around you. Each person has a story. Each person has value. Each person already has “interestingness.” Find it & share it.
Something I’ve also found that helps add to a person’s interestingness is reading and responding to those random surveys on MySpace. I’ve found out so many random thoughts, ideas and history behind so many of my “acquaintances,” friends and family through MySpace surveys.
Twitter has also helped bridge the time/space gap between many (new) friends as well. In fact, many of the suggestions above can be done with 140 characters or less via Twitter, rather than a full blown blog… or you can incorporate the two together.
Related ::
Thomas’ blog post
the original post from Russell Davies
share your photos for free on flickr
get a free blogger (google) blog
get a free wordpress blog
get your own free Myspace profile
micro-blog for free on Twitter
Twitter tools for WordPress