Living simply in 2010

“Live simply so that others may simply live”
– Gandhi

As the new year begins, many of us have made resolutions to simplify our lives in various ways. Perhaps eating out less, starting a garden, cutting back on cable, reading more books from the local library (as opposed to purchasing them)… etc. etc.

So what are you doing to simplify your life in 2010? And how is it going so far?

The dream of what’s next

I have a pretty good feeling this year (maybe even this month) will bring about some exciting changes around Casa de Blundell.

And with those dreams of what’s to come (foster care, hopefully selling our house) I don’t want to rush into the year without setting some basic goals for 2010.

I want to be sure that 2010 is less about me — and more about others — but at the same time, leaving room for my own development to ensure I don’t burn out by July.
Continue reading The dream of what’s next

Revisiting “The List”

Pastor Ryan shares a list he worked up this week during his men’s group meeting. I have to say his list is great – and very honest as well.

It’s a list of his life goals. I think he’s made it to 75 on his list.

I’m still working on mine. Still thinking, still dreaming. I’ve had these numbered but its really more of a growing list than any particular order…

* get out of debt
* eat a more healthy diet
* get my weight back to 200lbs
* go skydiving
* spend a week in New York City with Laurie
* spend a week in the UK & Scotland with Laurie
* spend a week in Ireland with Laurie
* spend a week and return to Nigeria with Laurie
* write a best seller
* have a top rated podcast on iTunes
* get a regular gig sharing people’s stories on the radio
* work from home/freelance and/or own my own business/ministry
* start a family with 3-4 kids
* adopt at least 1 or 2 of those said children
* build deep/real communities of faith
* get another tattoo (or 2 or 3)
* have an article published in a national magazine
* complete the hotter-than-hell bike race in Wichita Falls
* complete the Flickr-365 project
* give at least $1,000 away to someone
* pay off all our consumer debt – including our cars within the next 4 years

For now, its 4:38 – and “I am not my work.” So I’m heading home to see my beautiful Life.

A few resolutions for 2009

I’ve been thinking through things I want to get done this next year.

I’m hoping to keep things simple this year. I hope this year is less about me and more about others. I hope to simplify in areas where I can. I hope to love more and I hope to give more.

Here are a few other specifics I’m wanting to do this year.

  • Restarting – and completing the Flickr 365 challenge. One photo of me per day for an entire year.
  • Publishing my first book – St. Peter’s Brewery.
  • Read through the entire Bible again this year. (I plan to use YouVersion on my Blackberry to help me get it done.
  • Read at least 20 books this year.
  • Spend more quality time with my Life.
  • Ask her less annoying questions of my Life.

A few things I’d also like to shoot for but I haven’t moved into the “goal” category quite yet…

  • Finish paying off our consumer debt
  • Plant a garden
  • Recycle more
  • Consume less
  • Give 10% of my income away

What are your goals for the new year?