Earth Day pointers

A co-worker shared this idea with me…

We save water (and keep our plants outside in good shape in summer) by saving our pre-shower water, you know, that water that just goes down the drain as we wait for the shower to heat up?

It fills a bucket per day for us, a bucket of water I am paying for that usually goes down the drain. Instead, it goes on my potted plants and trees outside, making them very happy, even when rationing starts in the summer.

And here are some good tips for what to do with left over 2-liters:

2 Liter Recycling – video powered by Metacafe

We’ve been trying to save all our milk jugs and water jugs and such to recycle but there are certain rules/restrictions you have to follow in Red Oak. Our jugs were starting to pile up and so the other day while we were working in the yard I started cutting the tops off of some of them and are now using them to hold soil, grass clippings etc until we get a “formal” compost box.

Also – anyone know where I can get rid of several cups worth of old gasoline?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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