Dying to preferences

Imagine living in a house with 20 people when you don’t enjoy entertaining people. Yikes!

The Generous Husband writes…

A few months ago my bride and I attended a meeting on “new monasticism” – living in intentional, multi-family groups. Yeah, that can be a commune in all the ugly ways, but it can also be something good. But I only mention it here because of something said to me by the man who owned the house in which we met. This fellow, a bit older than I, said he did not like entertaining – and I commented on how odd that was given that he regularly had a group of 20 or more in his home. He then said “I am learning to die to my preferences.”

I think that’s a lot of what we as followers of Christ are called to do.
Continue reading Dying to preferences

What Matters More?

Derek Webb’s new song is getting a lot of talk around the Interwebs these days.

I think the song is great. And I could care less about who his “target audience is.” I think it’s got a great challenging message.
Continue reading What Matters More?

Justice and equality #justicefriday

From the 2006 National Prayer Breakfast:

It’s annoying but justice and equality are mates, aren’t they? Justice always wants to hang out with equality. And equality is a real pain in the ass. Seriously.

I mean you think of these Jewish sheep-herders going to meet with the Pharaoh, mud on their shoes, and the Pharaoh goes, “Equal? Equal?” And they say, “Yeah, that’s what, that’s what it says here in the Book, here. We’re all made in the image of God, sir.”

Eventually the Pharaoh says, “Look, I can accept that. I mean, I can accept the Jews — but not the blacks. I mean, not the women. Not the gays. Not the Irish. No way.”

So on we go with the journey of equality.

On we go in the pursuit of justice.

What issues of equality do you struggle with?

Watch the full speech:

Church 2.0 forum

In case you missed my Facebook, Twitter updates yesterday, I had the great privilege of taking part in Greg Atkinson’s Church 2.0 forum in Dallas.

It was a relaxed four-hour chat about technology, innovation and social justice. I loved that while there are a number of tech forums and conferences out there – Greg is doing this for the Church – for free. He’s keeping folks informed on the tools out there and helping people see how they can put them to use. And of course – these ideas work outside the Church as well.
Continue reading Church 2.0 forum