5 Myths of Community

The Myth

Found a great podcast featuring Mark Scandrette during my break. In it, he addresses 5 Myths of Community.

“If we want real community like the early church… we must be willing to embrace hurt and suffering… because love is costly.”

Sounds very counter-intuitive to the American dream and empire.
Continue reading 5 Myths of Community

The parable of the bar of soap

What can be said about a bar of soap and our faith and relation to the world around us?

Claudio Oliver has spent 20 years working with the urban poor, and on community development, dental and medical projects, team equipping, and teaching in Curitiba, Brazil.

He shares just a few of the reflections one small bar of soap can spark — spiritual, sociologic, entropologic and ecologic.
Continue reading The parable of the bar of soap

Beating foreclosure

We’re so close to reaching our goal!

Over $4000 raised in just over a month!

Take a look at this map – it shows every city represented by at least one donation.

friends map

Continue reading Beating foreclosure

How to worship (instructional video)

In case you’re wondering…

HT to TallSkinnyKiwi for the video. Also be sure and read his post, “The Art of Not Getting Embarrassed at a Baptist Church.”

And yes, this is shared with a nice bit of sarcasm thrown in.

Emergent dispatches

something beautiful

A quick summary of emergent Christianity… via @jonestony

Dispatch 1: Emergents practice a generous orthodoxy that appreciates the contributions of all Christian movements.

Dispatch 2: Emergents reject the politics & theologies of left versus right — they anticipate a more complex reality.

Dispatch 3: The gospel is like lava: no matter how much crust has formed over it, it will find a way to burst through.

Dispatch 4: The emergent phenomenon began when a group began talking about how postmodernism was affecting the faith.

Dispatch 5: The emergent movement is not exclusively North American; it is growing around the globe.
Continue reading Emergent dispatches

God of this City

Love this version of God of this City by Exodus and Lifechurch.

Love the diversity!

HT Jason Kovacs

Reminds me of the challenge Scott Williams (pastor of NW OKC Campus of Lifechurch.tv) gave during #thenines :: Church Diversity Sucks…

Continue reading God of this City