“These kids have been forgotten by many adults and they’re waiting for another adult to forget them… show them that ‘I love you and I want you and the reason I’m going to do it is because Christ loved me and wanted me while I was still a sinner…'”
Category: faith
Wrestling, Faith & Science
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about the squared-circle.
But Tripp posted a great find over at Homebrewed Christianity in which “Wofford college professors Byron R. McCane and Dan Mathewson reveal how the equally toothless performances of New Atheists like Richard Dawkins and creationists like Ken Ham share more with the garish world of Hulk Hogan and the Iron Sheik than with serious scholarship.”
It’s a great paper piece that compares the one-sided, over stereotypical and simplified views of Ham (Creation Science Museum) and Dawkins to Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Lots of fun. I give it five Ric Flair “WOOOOOOOO’s”
What do you think? Do Dawkins and Ham respresent over stereotypical and simplified views or science and religion at it’s best?
Emmanuel. God with us.
On this Christmas we remember….
Light came into the world and said,
“I will crush your darkness.â€
Justice came into the world and said,
“I will proclaim your freedom.â€
Peace came into the world and said,
“I will turn your conflict.â€
The Word came into the world and said,
“I will call your name.â€
Love came into the world and said,
“I will share your life, always.â€
(ht again to Stewart Culter for “cultivating” this great message)
Green Church
Looking for some good light reading over the holidays?
Check out Greenchurch.info.
The most life-changing ministry we can humanly provide a group of overlooked friends is a simple Body of Christ, a Church, planted among them, to be His Hands, His Heart, His Voice, His Compassion in their circle of relationships.
Goosebumps and Justice (advent reflections)
If you haven’t had a chance to – I’d highly recommend taking 40 min and listening to our advent reflections from the podcast last week.
Perhaps pull it up on your computer/Hi-Fi/iPods and listen as a family around the fire tonight or tomorrow evening.
Enjoy the thoughts, reflections and music and remember what this season of the year is all about.
Obama, Jesus, War & Peace
Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. – Romans 12:20-21
I’ve been chewing on this idea of Obama winning the Nobel Prize for Peace since it was announced. It’s been interesting to read all the varied comments.
Especially when many conservatives were up in arms that he won it and then turned around and applauded his speech and his justification of war.
The Jesus Manifesto shares many of the thoughts that have been swirling around my head and I’ve yet to be able to put to paper – or keyboard.
So I encourage you to read his post and watch this video from Cornel West:
And consider this, did Jesus come to offer up a high-fetched dream that could never be lived up to? Or did he come as baby in a manger and the Prince of Peace to show us that living a life of love and non-violence could be achieved — and can be lived out — even in the face of the Empire?