Cornel West on the Late Late Show

Cornel West via Wikipedia
Cornel West via Wikipedia

I shared this video with my dear friend Johnny Laird on Twitter yesterday and thought it was well worth sharing here on the blog as well.

“I’m a Christian, so I do think he’s wrong… but I do love the challenge.”

Some great points from Dr. West.

“There is a difference between rational certainty and blessed assurance… blessed assurance is making a leap of faith, stepping out on nothing and landing on something.”
Continue reading Cornel West on the Late Late Show

Obama, Jesus, War & Peace

Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. – Romans 12:20-21

I’ve been chewing on this idea of Obama winning the Nobel Prize for Peace since it was announced. It’s been interesting to read all the varied comments.

Especially when many conservatives were up in arms that he won it and then turned around and applauded his speech and his justification of war.

The Jesus Manifesto shares many of the thoughts that have been swirling around my head and I’ve yet to be able to put to paper – or keyboard.

So I encourage you to read his post and watch this video from Cornel West:

And consider this, did Jesus come to offer up a high-fetched dream that could never be lived up to? Or did he come as baby in a manger and the Prince of Peace to show us that living a life of love and non-violence could be achieved — and can be lived out — even in the face of the Empire?

We interrupt this broadcast…

I was debating on if I’d stay up and watch U2 on Letterman tonight, or simply let the DVR do all the work.

As I was thumbing through my Google Reader before heading to bed I’m glad I made another stop at Homebrewed Christianity.

Cornel West via WikipediaTripp shared a series of videos put together by Jamie Moffett, of Cornel West at Eastern University (the alma mater of both Jamie Moffett and Shane Claiborne ).

The videos are broken into 10 minute segments and will take you about an hour to watch all the way through – but I’m certain you’ll learn a lot and take a lot away from them. If you don’t… well….

Anyways, take some time to watch them. Chew on what Cornel West has to say. Think about Scripture and “how then shall we live.” Then share your feedback. I’m anxious to hear what you think. Good or bad.

One nugget that really stood out to me…

“The black freedom struggle is the best example of bringing together the quest for unarmed truth and unconditional love in the face of American Terrorism for 400 years. Instead of a Black al-Qaeda you get Frederick Douglas and Martin Luther.”

Thanks to Jamie for sharing the videos and thanks to Tripp for posting them on his site.