Cornel West on the Late Late Show

Cornel West via Wikipedia
Cornel West via Wikipedia

I shared this video with my dear friend Johnny Laird on Twitter yesterday and thought it was well worth sharing here on the blog as well.

“I’m a Christian, so I do think he’s wrong… but I do love the challenge.”

Some great points from Dr. West.

“There is a difference between rational certainty and blessed assurance… blessed assurance is making a leap of faith, stepping out on nothing and landing on something.”

“There’s always an element of doubt — even in your faith — because it’s not all about you. You are acknowledging something greater than you. Like falling in love…”

“I make despair and catastrophe constant companions… I just don’t allow despair to have the last word.”

“Ours is in the trying – the rest is not my business (TS Elliot)… I’m just gonna love my way through the darkness and the rest is not my business. Divine power kicks in, grace kicks in and the rest you just don’t know.”

“(Dr. Martin Luther) King was basically like you and I — a cracked-vessel — trying to love his crooked neighbor with his crooked heart — but he did it in such a way with sense of humility and keept track of those typically rendered invisible.”

“Religion I’m talking about is maladjusted to greed — concerned about fairness — maladjusted to indifference — concerned about compassion — and maladjusted to fear — instead it’s courageous and tries to be hopeful so it looks fear in the face and keeps moving.”

Great stuff!

Thoughts after watching the video?

West talks more about being a “cracked-vessel” on his NPR program.

(HT Garreth Higgins)

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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