Boy Blundy

I am a lucky, lucky woman to be married to this man. This man is my best friend, a wonderful husband and one of the best men I know. He is going to make an amazing father and I can’t wait to see him in action. He has always been good about doing things to help me out around the house. When our house was on the market, he was great with helping me clean and get it ready for a showing. He helps do the dishes most nights after dinner, he does a lot of the cooking, and helps out with the laundry…and lets face it, who likes to do laundry

The last month or so since I haven’t really been able to do much and am supposed to be “taking it easy”, he has really had to step up and take over doing the majority of the house work and everything else that needs to be done before the babies get here. He has painted the babies room and our room, all by himself! Put the second crib together, hung curtain rods for me, done a lot of the house work and laundry and spent like 3 hours in our backyard pulling all the massive weeds that had taken over. All the while, I lay on the couch! I feel bad that all this has landed on him and I really wish I could have helped him paint or pick the weeds and clean the house or do laundry, but apparently that’s more than I’m supposed to be doing….

He does all this without complaining too and I can’t thank him enough!! So thank you for all your hard work and I love you!

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