20 week update

I hit 20 weeks and everything started to fall apart.

What happened? Last Saturday I started having contractions (braxton hicks), just a few a day. Monday and Tuesday I started getting more and they were becoming more frequent. By Wednesday I was having on average of 5 an hour. They aren’t painful, just uncomfortable. Luckily on Thursday I had my monthly appointment with my OB and she did a sonogram and checked my cervix to make sure it wasn’t thinning out at all from the contractions. Everything looked good, the cervix hasn’t thinned out any and the boys looked great.

She told me to “take it easy” and by that — she means don’t do anything. I can still go to work but she said once my cervix starts to thin I will be off work. It’s difficult for me to not to do anything. I had planned on painting the nursery this past weekend, but because I can’t do that now, Jonathan had to step up and paint it all by himself. He did a great job and it looks awesome. I’ll post pictures once we get it all finished.

So needless to say I was on the couch the majority of the weekend.

Then yesterday, we had a fun time at church, and let me add, this was only our 2 time to visit the church. My brother and his girlfriend had come in and sat by us, so we were all there just singing and worshiping and I started to feel a little lightheaded so I sat down. When the pastor got up and started the message, Jonathan went out to get me some juice to drink. That seemed to help and for about 4-5 minutes I felt semi-normal. Then all of a sudden it hit me again, and this time it hit hard… I leaned forward and put my head down hoping that would help, and well… that’s all I remember.

The next thing I remember was opening my eyes and my head was on Jonathan’s shoulder, well as close to his shoulder as I can get – its kinda high up there. Then I knew what happened. Once I came to a little bit more and was able to walk, we left and came home. I ended up staying on the couch all day because I was pretty out of it. I was also very nauseous all day, which I haven’t been in over a month. And by the end of the night, my body finally gave in and well, lets just say I lost everything I ate for the day.

I was still pretty out of it last night and still getting lightheaded so we decided that I would stay home today from work. This morning I was still getting lightheaded and didn’t feel “normal” but as the day went on I started to feel a little bit better. I made a call into my cardiologist and OB’s offices. Of course my OB was out of the office today, so I talked to the nurse and she basically said if I still feel bad tomorrow I should come in and see my Dr. and I will see my cardiologist Wednesday morning. Since I have been on the couch for 3 days I haven’t had too many contractions. Some, but not too many. She told me if I have 6 or more in an hour to call her. I’ll keep you updated on everything.

The boys are doing great, the HR’s were 151 and 146 and they’re moving around like crazy. Ian was having hiccups when she was trying to get his heart rate so that was funny to watch, and of course he wouldn’t cooperate. He’s our little wiggler, in every sonogram he’s the one wiggling all around and won’t let them get a good picture. Then there’s Hayden who is a good little boy and just lays there so we can get a picture. He does move around a lot too, just at better times. He is the one I feel move and kick more often. The last few days I have felt them both move and kick a lot. I have to say that is probably the best part of being pregnant, because the rest is for the birds!

We will see the high risk doc next week for another sonogram and we’ll get to see how much they have grown… it better be a lot because I know my belly sure hasn’t just gotten big overnight for nothing. Well, this has gotten to be a long post, so I’ll update you next week after my appointment with the high risk doc.

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