Perinatologist Appointment – 22 weeks

I just realized I never updated on our last visit with the high risk doc. So much has been going on it just slipped my mind….More on that later. We saw Dr. Rosnes (high risk Dr.) about 2 week ago and everything looked good. They checked my cervix length since I had been having some contractions off and on and it was still long so that’s good. The boys are growing and looked great. Baby A (Hayden) was roughly 1 pound, 1 oz and Baby B (Ian) was about 14 oz. There was a little bit of a difference in weights so Dr. Rosnes said he will keep an eye on it and measure them again in a month to make sure the difference between the two isn’t getting bigger.

There has been a question whether or not there are two placentas which could mean they are identical instead of fraternal. He looked at the sonogram and is pretty sure there are two placentas that just fused together to look like one, but he said we can’t be 100% sure until they are born. I’ll go back in another 2 weeks for another check and we’ll see how much bigger they are!

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