My beloved iPod

I have a beloved iPod that I’ve had for years. It’s a green iPod mini, they don’t even make those anymore…why I don’t know–it was one of their best ones. Over the last couple of months I’ve noticed that it doesn’t hold it’s charge that long and today I took it along with me when I took Presley for a walk. Well it didn’t even last 5 minutes before the battery was completely dead! What am I going to do, they don’t make these anymore and honestly, I can think of many more things I’d rather spend $150 on than a new, not as good, iPod. Sure mine doesn’t had a touch screen or even color screen, and it doesn’t do videos or whatever but it’s the best one…it holds 1000 songs and like I would ever fill that up anyway. It’s green and compact and my iPod–and now it’s broken, almost. I can still listen to it when it’s plugged in but doesn’t that defeat the purpose of an mp3 player? I restored the settings and updated the software this afternoon so we’ll see if that helps my beloved iPod. If not, i’m gonna have to take it to the mac store and walk up to the genius bar and say “I need a Dr. my iPod is sick…please help it, do everything you can to save it!” and they will probably say, lady this is an old outdated iPod–Buy another one! But I don’t want to, its my old, outdated iPod and I want it working again. We’ll see what happens, I’ll keep you updated because I know all of you are just on edge about my iPod issue 😉

Carnival Ride

I just recently got Carrie Underwood’s new CD Carnival Ride. I absolutely love it. It’s almost as good as her first album, if not better. This album is more country than her first with hints of banjos and foot stomping tempos. You know its a country album when there’s a song about being drunk at the alter and you don’t know your new last name. It’s similar to Alan Jackson’s song “I don’t even know your name”. Then there’s the song about how the more boys she meets the more she loves her dog. My brother didn’t seem to like that song but I love it. Beofre I met Jonathan, that’s how I felt. Over all it’s a great album and I’m already ready for her third!


Top 5 things that irritate me in no particular order:

1. Drivers who are idiots and think they own the road
2. Christmas shoppers who only care about themselves
3. People who talk LOUDLY on their cell phones
4. Smacking–gum, food, anything really
5. When I say I want to go to sleep at 9:00 and someone is still talking to me at 9:15 😉

Top 5 things I love about this time of year:

1. The smell of cold cold weather
2. The possibility of snow–even though this is TX and I know theres like a 2% chance of the white stuff
3. Spending time with family
4. People seem to be in a better mood this time of year
5. Looking at all the Christmas lights and sometimes wondering why on earth they thought the way they put them up looked good.

Dominant Itelligence

So I took this quiz to see what my dominant itelligence is and well, because I’m that weird, I have no dominant intelligence. I’m a mix between the two below–take out the math part of the first one, i’m not that good at math-infact, I very much dislike math.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things.
Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments.
You need for the world to make sense – and are good at making sense of it.
You have a head for numbers and math … and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.

You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together.
Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand – eye coordination.
There’s also a good chance you’re a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language.
You learn best by doing, and you feel like you’ve always got to be moving (even if it’s just your hands).

You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan.


Okay I have to vent for a minute–Children’s ceases to amaze me! It’s beyond me as to why they spend money on the things they do and not on the things they need to. There are so many things that need to be fixed or bought for our clinic but they won’t fix them, instead they spend money on uneccessary things. We have a door going into our lab that slams shut and could seriously harm a kid–the mechanism on the door needs to be replaced but it’s been a month and they still haven’t fixed it. We need more equipment to test our kiddos but we won’t be seeing that anytime soon. We need chairs for our lab, soap dispensers and things like that….but instead what does Children’s spend money on? Within the last year or two they have spent money putting flat screen plasma TV’s in the skybridge that employees walk on–why, I don’t know! No one looks at them, they just see them and say “that could have been a computer on our unit that we need” or heaven forbid give a bonus or small raise to the nurses or RT’s. But the latest and most annoying useless money spent was on a sign outside our lab. The sign we had was perfectly fine…it said “Pulmonary Laboratory” and the sign they replaced today now says “Pulmonary Lab”! Do you see a need to change the sign. The guy who was changing them just laughed as we asked him why they did it…he said “Got me, they’ve probably spent thousands of dollars with all the dumb signs they are changing.” You never know what you’re gonna get when you work for Children’s!


Now stay with me on this one–it may be a lot of rambling and not so much sense. I was on my way to work this morning and just started thinking about guardian angels. I know a lot of people don’t believe in angels, but I for one do belive in them. Now you can argue whether or not each individual person has their own guardian angel or God just sends one for us at the times when we need one I don’t know. I tend to believe the last one. The early church understood that each person had their own special angel, but I don’t think that’s what most people believe today.
So my question is this, when we have our guardian angel, whether it’s ours through life or at that moment, when Christ calls us home does the angel just sit there with their hands tied behind their back and cry because we’re dying and there is nothing they can do? Or are they rejoicing because another child is coming home? When a child is dying and Christ said it’s their time, there isn’t anything the guardian angel can do because God has called this child home, so are they just sitting there with their hands tied, crying or rejoicing? But at the same time, my thoughts are the angel is comforting the child and their family during this time. Those are just a few ramblings and my thoughts for the morning drive. Any thoughts–and I could be way off on the subject!

Psalm 91:11-12
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

Exodus 23:20
“See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared.”


So yesterday I was on my way to work doing great, I wasn’t running late, making great time, and then boom–Highway 35 is shut down…traffic was standing still and not moving. You see all the people making their own exit ramps in the grass on the side of the highway and people making their own lane on the shoulder…rudeness. I was just sitting there so I called Jonathan to get an alternate route to work. This was just past interstate 20 on I35 so I still had a ways to go to get to Children’s. Anyway, I continued to sit there for about 30 minutes and went maybe 10 feet. I said forget this, and I became one of those rude people I don’t like who make their own exit ramp on the grass ;). I’ve never done this and thought I never would, now I probably will never do this again but at the time it was a VERY very good idea. I thought, I have a good, high SUV and these little cars are making it so here I go and I went….less than 10 seconds later I was on my way to work taking the back roads. I bet you though I was going to say I got a ticket or rolled my Xterra or something, didn’t you! Well, I didn’t and it all turned out ok. I told Jonathan that this wasn’t helping his case to stay in Waxahachie…Since living in Waxahachie (only 4 months), I35 has been shut down 2 times while on my way to work and this is the only way to get there until I get to Dallas then I can take back roads. So at this rate 35 should be shut down about 6 times a year, GREAT!! So why anyone would choose to live off 35 or make 35 their sole route to work is beyond me….I love what I do, maybe not where I work so much, but it’s the only place I can do what I do so I’m not going anywhere….people ask why I don’t just work at Baylor Waxahachie or Methodist or somewhere closer and I say, “it’s not pediatrics” I don’t work with adults, they gross me out and give me attitude! I only put up with tudes from kiddos, not adults. Now if Baylor waxahachie ever had a pediatric hospital added onto it and I would only work with the kids and no adults, then I’d go there….but I don’t see that happening anytime soon, if ever. Well, I guess that’s enough rambling for now.

Ramblings 2

At the beginnging of the year I wrote a post about how people say I’m a closed book and they don’t really know the real me. Well, it is true, I’m not the most open person but if you ask me anything I’ll answer it, no problem. So I did a little “about me” post of things I like, don’t like and such….So here is a continuation of that:

My eyes are usually bigger than my stomach. I have blue eyes but wish they were green (not sure why). I love sleeping in. I love the smell of coffee, but can’t drink it. I love riding my bike. I like to lay on the couch when it’s raining outside. I love comedy, anything funny really. I love animals. I wish I could quit my job and work for myself. I see what I have as a blessing. I am a genuine person and if I ask you how you are, I truly mean it. I am inquisitive. I am a nerd. I love physics. I am intuitive. I get frustrated when I can’t do something. I have to learn to depend on others. I love NYC and would move there in a heartbeat. I am short or should I say vertically challenged. I love Dr. Pepper but I’m not supposed to drink it. I love to sing in my car, everyones a rock star in the car right? I have a crooked nose and don’t mind a bit. I want to live on a couple of acres of land but I would be jsut as happy living right in the middle of the city. I love tomato sauce but can’t stand tomatoes. I love peach flavoring but not peaches. I truly love my church and the people there. I love my doggy, Presley…she’s a goober. Most of the time my fingers and toes are blue…It’s normal for me, don’t let it scare you. I will most often not tell you what’s on my mind unless you ask. I don’t talk much. I listen a lot. I could people watch for hours but I can’t sit still for more than 30 minutes. My mind works faster than my mouth or hands and by the time I go to say or write it, I forget it. I wish I knew how to play the piano. I am a big Texan but would move to Colorado or Arizona in a heartbeat. Most of the time I don’t know what on earth I am doing in this life. I can’t stand not knowing what’s going to happen. I have a hard time giving up control of my life and plans to God but I do anyway. I still can’t believe I started a blog. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. I love pickles, like the big ones from the fair. I like cooking. I love having people over. I like having time to myself. I am pretty good at acting like I know what I’m doing, even when I don’t. I absolutely love taking pictures. I like country music, but like rock too. I have the beatles, jonny cash and elvis presley all on the same CD. I love funny movies. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books. I like what I do but not getting up at 4:45am. I love sno cones. I can eat a blizzard from Dairy Queen any day. I love the beach but not the ocean. I love snowboarding.

That’s all I can think of now but maybe you’ll get more later, We’ll see.

HOV Lane now the SOV lane?

Did I miss something, has the HOV lane (HIGH occupancy vehicle lane) turned into the SOV lane (SINGLE vehicle lane) overnight? On my way to work this morning I passed about 10 cars (no exaggeration) with just one person in them, the driver. That isn’t high occupancy, unless they have multiple personalities…then that’s just a whole other problem. It just irritates me when I’m stuck in traffic going 5mph and here comes Mr. I can do anything I want going 60mph all my his onsey in the HOV lane. Geeze…owell

It’s All About Principle!!

Okay my peeps….Here’s the deal. So I was on my way to work this morning and traffic was HORROBLE, I found out that 35 was shut down to 1 lane. That wasn’t bad, it was the guy behind me blasting his base annoying me to death. So that made me a little irritated already, then I got to work and that’s when my ranting started. A while back they took out the first row of parking spots on our level of the parking garage and made them Doctor’s parking…I guess it’s okay, why can’t they walk like the rest of us? So I pulled up today and they took out another row, that’s like 3 times as many spots as the first row they blocked out. That made me mad, not because I’m gonna have to walk farther, God gave me two good legs, I can walk. It’s the principle of the thing. I guess everyone around here thinks doctors are gods because they get the ultimate treatment in this place, why I don’t know….most of them have god complexes anyway and are rude to anyone that crosses their path. So my rant is for the principle of the fact, why do dr.’s feel the need to receive special treatment and up front parking where they don’t have to walk. I could go on and on about this but I won’t, I must work…I just had to take a quick break from my long walk in this morning 😉