Ramblings 2

At the beginnging of the year I wrote a post about how people say I’m a closed book and they don’t really know the real me. Well, it is true, I’m not the most open person but if you ask me anything I’ll answer it, no problem. So I did a little “about me” post of things I like, don’t like and such….So here is a continuation of that:

My eyes are usually bigger than my stomach. I have blue eyes but wish they were green (not sure why). I love sleeping in. I love the smell of coffee, but can’t drink it. I love riding my bike. I like to lay on the couch when it’s raining outside. I love comedy, anything funny really. I love animals. I wish I could quit my job and work for myself. I see what I have as a blessing. I am a genuine person and if I ask you how you are, I truly mean it. I am inquisitive. I am a nerd. I love physics. I am intuitive. I get frustrated when I can’t do something. I have to learn to depend on others. I love NYC and would move there in a heartbeat. I am short or should I say vertically challenged. I love Dr. Pepper but I’m not supposed to drink it. I love to sing in my car, everyones a rock star in the car right? I have a crooked nose and don’t mind a bit. I want to live on a couple of acres of land but I would be jsut as happy living right in the middle of the city. I love tomato sauce but can’t stand tomatoes. I love peach flavoring but not peaches. I truly love my church and the people there. I love my doggy, Presley…she’s a goober. Most of the time my fingers and toes are blue…It’s normal for me, don’t let it scare you. I will most often not tell you what’s on my mind unless you ask. I don’t talk much. I listen a lot. I could people watch for hours but I can’t sit still for more than 30 minutes. My mind works faster than my mouth or hands and by the time I go to say or write it, I forget it. I wish I knew how to play the piano. I am a big Texan but would move to Colorado or Arizona in a heartbeat. Most of the time I don’t know what on earth I am doing in this life. I can’t stand not knowing what’s going to happen. I have a hard time giving up control of my life and plans to God but I do anyway. I still can’t believe I started a blog. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. I love pickles, like the big ones from the fair. I like cooking. I love having people over. I like having time to myself. I am pretty good at acting like I know what I’m doing, even when I don’t. I absolutely love taking pictures. I like country music, but like rock too. I have the beatles, jonny cash and elvis presley all on the same CD. I love funny movies. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books. I like what I do but not getting up at 4:45am. I love sno cones. I can eat a blizzard from Dairy Queen any day. I love the beach but not the ocean. I love snowboarding.

That’s all I can think of now but maybe you’ll get more later, We’ll see.

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