
So yesterday I was on my way to work doing great, I wasn’t running late, making great time, and then boom–Highway 35 is shut down…traffic was standing still and not moving. You see all the people making their own exit ramps in the grass on the side of the highway and people making their own lane on the shoulder…rudeness. I was just sitting there so I called Jonathan to get an alternate route to work. This was just past interstate 20 on I35 so I still had a ways to go to get to Children’s. Anyway, I continued to sit there for about 30 minutes and went maybe 10 feet. I said forget this, and I became one of those rude people I don’t like who make their own exit ramp on the grass ;). I’ve never done this and thought I never would, now I probably will never do this again but at the time it was a VERY very good idea. I thought, I have a good, high SUV and these little cars are making it so here I go and I went….less than 10 seconds later I was on my way to work taking the back roads. I bet you though I was going to say I got a ticket or rolled my Xterra or something, didn’t you! Well, I didn’t and it all turned out ok. I told Jonathan that this wasn’t helping his case to stay in Waxahachie…Since living in Waxahachie (only 4 months), I35 has been shut down 2 times while on my way to work and this is the only way to get there until I get to Dallas then I can take back roads. So at this rate 35 should be shut down about 6 times a year, GREAT!! So why anyone would choose to live off 35 or make 35 their sole route to work is beyond me….I love what I do, maybe not where I work so much, but it’s the only place I can do what I do so I’m not going anywhere….people ask why I don’t just work at Baylor Waxahachie or Methodist or somewhere closer and I say, “it’s not pediatrics” I don’t work with adults, they gross me out and give me attitude! I only put up with tudes from kiddos, not adults. Now if Baylor waxahachie ever had a pediatric hospital added onto it and I would only work with the kids and no adults, then I’d go there….but I don’t see that happening anytime soon, if ever. Well, I guess that’s enough rambling for now.

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