3 Months Old

3months2Wow, I am super late with this since Harper was 3 months on October 24th.

Baby girl is 3 months – At times it seems like 6, but mostly I can’t believe how fast it has gone by.  We sure have had our ups and downs with this little girl.  When things are good, they are good…but when things are bad, they are bad. We call her our little Diva because she is very particular and likes things done certain ways – sometimes mommy or daddy is all she wants.

IMG_2613Harper has still had a lot of problems with her reflux.  She had a good 3 weeks where it didn’t bother her much, except for occasionally, but then she started really having problems.  She would scream for 20-30 minutes and nothing would calm her.  She would start coughing and spit up acid through her nose.  I called her pediatrician and she called the GI doc we saw and he said to add rice cereal to her bottles…I was reluctant to do this since the last time we tried it, it upset her stomach.  I did it anyway just to see what would happen, and she did great on it.  She stopped the screaming fits, she was happy again and was sleeping better.  She is also still getting her Prevacid twice a day.

ShIMG_2780e started getting the rash on her face again this month but we got a steroid ointment to put on it and our pediatrician told us to bathe her everyday with a little selsum blue on the rash.  All that combined, it cleared up again and looks great now.

This little girl is going to be a feisty one! She does not like sitting still or back.  She constantly tries to sit up in her car seat and does not like to be facing you when you hold her – She has to be facing out to see what is going on.

IMG_2505She still likes the swing and bouncy seat, but as long as she can see what’s going on.

IMG_2782She is just like her brothers and loves to be outside.  I’m not sure if its the feel of the breeze outside she likes or what.  But she usually gets in a better mood when we go outside.  She loves to just sit in my lap and watch her crazy brothers run all around the backyard.  I’m sure she will gladly join them in a few years.

Tummy time has gotten better and she does so good with it.  She still spits up a lot being on her stomach but it doesn’t seem to bother her much when she does.  She usually will end up going to sleep while she is on her tummy.

IMG_2595Harper got to experience her first trip to the State Fair of Texas this past month but unfortunately didn’t get to taste the corny dog, maybe next year.  She actually slept most of the time we were there.  When she’s in her baby carrier she usually falls fast asleep.


We are going to go get her head shape checked out at cranial technologies, just like we did with the boys.  She has a definite flat spot and its starting to push her forehead out some so we thought we would get it looked at and evaluated for a Doc Band.  Our pediatrician thinks that some babies just have softer skulls and are easier to become flattened.  We have tried rotating sides she lays on and holding her on the opposite side from the flat spot and she takes naps on her tummy…but despite all that it is failing to improve on its own.  I am definitely not looking forward to having her in a band, or paying for it! But once we see the photos of her head and get the full evaluation, we may find that she really doesn’t need it.  We’ll find out soon.

She is finally getting into the fun stage of interacting more, smiling and cooing.  She’s even laughed or chuckled a few times.  I can’t wait to see what she will start doing next month,



2 months old


2 months old

2 months old

2monthcollageLittle missy is 2 months old.  She has grown so much in the last month but I don’t have her current stats because we don’t go for her 2 month check up until next week. She definitely has gained some weight and length in the last few weeks.  I just had to put away the majority of her newborn clothes because they were getting too short and I couldn’t button them.

She has had quite a difficult time during the first 2 months of her life, with her reflux and milk protein intolerance.  She has pretty bad reflux and is on Prevacid twice a day to control that.  She still has some bad days but over all her reflux is doing much better on the meds.

We did see the GI doctor in the last month and he confirmed her milk intolerance and reflux and gave us some things to watch for.  If we see any of these symptoms we will go back and see him, other wise we keep doing what we are doing and hope she outgrows the milk issues.  We can’t truly say its a milk allergy because we haven’t had her tested for it, so they are just calling it an intolerance.  The GI doc did add a probiotic for her to take daily and we switched her formula from Neocate to Elecare, which is the other amino-acid based formula.  I asked him if we could switch to the Elecare because she broke out in a rash all over her face and neck.  The rash started about a day or two after starting the Neocate and just continued to get worse.  Within a week of switching to the Elecare, the rash was completely gone.  It could have been a coincidence, but I think it was something in the Neocate that she was reacting to.


her horrible rash – the pictures don’t look as bad as it did in person

She is eating 4.5 ounces every 4 hours now and then we give her a 5 ounce bottle at night before she goes down for the night.  She’s just like her brothers and likes her milk.  It doesn’t matter if her reflux is bothering her and she’s hurting….she will continue to eat in between episodes of crying.  This usually doesn’t happen often, but it will occasionally.

month2(2)As far as sleeping goes, we never know what to expect out of Harper at night.  Because of this, we really don’t have a set schedule for her, which I really don’t like. She will generally go down anywhere between 800-1000, sometimes later depending on when she eats last and then will sleep, on average, 5-6 hours then wake up to eat again and go right back to sleep.  She has had a few nights where she went 7-8 hours and one night she even went 10 hours!

month2(3)After the newborn sleepiness wore off she really hadn’t really been a good sleeper during the day and would sleep for 30 mins here and there but never really a good nap.  We started doing more tummy time in the last few weeks and when we would put her on her tummy she would fall asleep, every time! She has turned into a tummy sleeper for sure.  She can sleep or 2-3 hours on her stomach, but we only let her do it during the day and that’s because she is in the pack n play in the living room where we are or in her crib when I’m in there, and we can watch her.  At night she still sleeps on her back and will until she can roll over on her own.  Then at that point, we can’t do anything about it.

IMG_1786She’s starting to like to lay on her activity mat and watch it or lay in the pack n play and look at herself in the mirror.  Just in the last week, she has started to watch the mobile over her crib.

IMG_2126 playmatHarper is definitely a cuddle bug.  She loves to be held, and held close to you.  I ordered a carrier for her when I was pregnant and was just waiting for her to be big enough to put her in it.  It has proven to be a wise investment.  She loves it! She can be held close to momma and usually falls asleep while she’s in it.  I have worn it several times just around the house when she is fussy.  We will definitely use it this fall when we go to the arboretum because taking a stroller through the new children’s garden is quite cumbersome (more on that later).

IMG_1600A few weeks ago all the cousins on Jonathan’s side got together and for the first time we were able to get a photo of all 3 baby girls that were born around the same time.  We didn’t get a good picture of the babies, just of us holding them.

cousinsHarper has actually started smiling in response to something now.  She loves it when I smack my lips and she’ll usually start smiling at that – if she’s in the mood.

month2smileI am so happy that our sweet baby girl is finally feeling much better since finding the right “cocktail” of meds, probiotics and the best formula.  Since going through all of this with the boys we knew what was going on and were able to get a jump on things before she had to live with the pain too long.  Our pediatrician has been great too and together we got her back to our happy baby again. I love you sweet girl, can’t wait to see what you’ll be doing in another month!




1 Month Old

1 Month

1 Month

1monthcollageWow, this month has flown by.  It definitely has been an adjustment for everyone in our house since Harper has joined the family.  The boys have done well, they have had their moments, but overall they have done pretty good.  I think mom and dad are the ones that needed to adjust to having 3 kids the most. Having two 2 year olds that love to jump, run, chase each other, etc that are held up inside all day due to heat can wear you out…especially when you are already worn out! Once I go back to work and we get on a semi normal schedule, it will help.  Right now, we are just trying to survive! We are both exhausted, stressed and sometimes at our wits end…but we love our 3 little crazies more than anything.

I guess I never realized how loud the boys were…until there was a new little human in our house that I’m trying not to get overstimulated, or wake up because she finally went to sleep.

Harper had her days and nights mixed up, and still does, although its slowly getting better. She would sleep soundly all day long, even through all the boys screaming and loudness.  Then at night after a feeding, she would be wide awake for 2 hours! Just in the last 3 days or so has she shortened it to about an hour that she will be awake after her feeding. She is also starting to be awake a little more throughout the day.

This girl has eaten well from day 1…she ate roughly 2 ounces within 2 hours of birth and is now eating 3.5 ounces every 4 hours.  That being said…she also has had a lot of issues with feeding just like the boys, starting at about 2 weeks old.  I’ll have more on this in another post, but basically she has pretty bad reflux just like the boys and we are trying to get that under control and she has had some problems with her formula.  After 3 formulas, she is on Neocate which is a specialized formula and one of 2 hypoallergenic formulas.  They come with a specialized price tag to match! She is on Prevacid for her reflux and we will see a GI doctor whenever we can get an appointment with them.

At 3.5 weeks she weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces, a pound more than she weighed at birth, and has grown about an inch longer.

Little miss has smiled since she was 2 days old, and I have a picture to prove it! She smiles a lot and I’ve been able to capture many of them.  She usually does this little smirk instead of actually smiling, but there are a few times she’s had a full mouth open grin! Granted, she’s not really smiling and most of them are just reflexes, but still…


At this stage of a babies life, they change so much that its fun to watch and see what happens in just a month!


Big Brothers

Wow, I’ve got a lot of posts to catch up on since baby girl was born.  Lets start with the big brothers!

So, remember way back when, in January or so when we posted this picture…


Here is a much better, much more recent picture of that…

siblingsoh my…I can’t believe how much older the boys look here.  They don’t look like babies anymore.

We decided to keep the boys home the day Harper was born and the next morning my mom and Jonathan’s mom brought them up to the hospital to meet their new little sister.  We had no clue how they were going to respond to this and it was fun to see their reactions.  Jonathan met our moms and brought the boys in the room so it was just us in their when they came in to meet her.

IMG_1149The instantly walked over to see her in the bassinet….well, after I insisted they give me a hug first 😉

IMG_1156I think this is when it hit them that this baby Harper we’ve been talking is an actual being and real. Hayden was interested in meeting her but that interest wore off pretty fast and he was ready to move on.  He liked her, but I think he may have been scared of her or scared that he would hurt her or something…I don’t know.  He wasn’t too interested in holding her like Ian was.  I got a quick picture of him holding her but right after I snapped the photo, he was done.

Hayden holding Harper

Hayden holding Harper

Honestly, I was very surprised at how much Ian loved her and wanted to kiss her and hold her.


Ian holding Harper

Ian holding Harper

We gave the boys a “goodie bag” as a gift from Harper to them.  They were Curious George backpacks that they can use for school and filled with books, coloring books and crayons, cars, little trucks, some snacks, etc.  It kept the busy for a little while at the hospital before they went back home with our moms.

IMG_1169I wish I got some better photos of them but I was taking pictures from the bed and I was still in A LOT of pain from the c-section.

Ian wanted to sit on the bed with me and Harper and his expression pretty much sums up how he felt meeting his sister….I love this picture.

IMG_1189Coming home was no exception, Ian wanted to hold her and check on her all the time. Hayden would look at her and then go on with his business, but I did catch him going over and patting her head to see how she was doing.  Hayden is always concerned about where Harper is. If he doesn’t see her, he’ll say “oh no, baby Harper gone”.  Ian is very concerned with her whereabouts as well ;).  Yesterday she was in Jonathan’s office with him and when he walked in the living room and she wasn’t there, he got concerned.  I told him that we took her back to the hospital and he got rather upset… “noooo, baby Harper stay home”.  I quickly told him I was just kidding and we would never take her back, he was fine after that.

Hayden checking on Harper

Hayden checking on Harper

Ian holding Harper

Ian holding Harper

Ian checking on Harper

Ian checking on Harper

Having 3 kids has been a little crazy, but I wouldn’t change it for anything…

me and my 3 munchkins

me and my 3 munchkins



Harper’s Birthday in pictures

I finally got around to getting all the photos off Jonathan’s camera and putting them on my computer.  Here is Harper’s big day in photos.

This time I don’t think Jonathan was as nervous as he was the day the boys were born.  I know I wasn’t, I was just anxious to finally meet our little girl.

Being monitored and waiting for the c-section

I have to add this funny part.  As I am laying there in the bed with the contraction and fetal heart rate monitor on me, the nurse looks at me and asks, “so how long have you been having these contractions?” They were about every 3 or 4 minutes apart according to the monitor.  I just looked at her and laughed a little…I said “oh, since about 20 weeks.”  She just looked at me, “oh!” I did proceed to tell her that the intensity and frequency had picked up the last day or two, but it was funny to watch her face.

Getting started…I love all the warm blankets they put on you, its FREEZING in the OR.

At this point, I was just trying to breathe.  The epidural took a little too well and actually numbed me higher than I think it was supposed to.  I was having some trouble breathing throughout the entire c-section and couldn’t even talk much because I couldn’t feel like I could get enough air to speak.

She’s here! 1:55 PM

Since you can’t see anything, you have no clue whats going on when. The only way I knew she was out was to hear that glorious cry! It doesn’t look like she enjoyed that exit too much, huh?!

6 pounds, 15 ounces & 19.5 inches of cuteness

Harper is a full 2 pounds heavier than both the boys were but she is still soo tiny.  The boys just looked like (cute) little old men – ha.  She isn’t just tiny, she’s so petite, her little nose and mouth are petite and its all so proportionate.

so tiny

so tiny


daddy putting her first diaper on in the OR

daddy putting her first diaper on in the OR

Just like with the boys, Jonathan got to put her first diaper on while we were still in the OR.


mommy time in the OR

mommy time in the OR

At this point Harper was having some problems breathing and keeping her oxygen saturation where they wanted it so they were giving her some supplemental oxygen and her saturation level would go up.  They would take it away and it would go down….then she finally kept it where they wanted for a short period of time so they let Jonathan bring her over to me to see her and have some “mommy time”….which later the nurse told me she did on purpose because she knew that would help with her oxygen/breathing issues.  Sure enough it did and she was stable enough to then come with me to the recovery room.

on our way to recovery

on our way to recovery

But not before a quick photo shoot with mommy and daddy and Dr. Monti.

with mommy and daddy

with mommy and daddy

daddy, mommy and Dr. Monti

daddy, mommy and Dr. Monti


Harper and Dr. Monti

Harper and Dr. Monti

Once we got to the recovery room our parents and family started to come back a few at a time to see the newest addition to the family.

Grammy and Grandma admiring their new granddaughter

Grammy and Grandma admiring their new granddaughter

Papa and Grandaddy meeting Harper

Papa and Grandaddy meeting Harper

feeding Harper for the first time - she ate all 2 ounces at once!!

feeding Harper for the first time – she ate all 2 ounces at once!!

one proud daddy

one proud daddy

After a few hours in the recovery room we were taken to my room up on the post-partum floor.  Once we got there the pediatrician check Harper out and said everything looked good except she was a little jaundiced and she was still having a little trouble with her breathing.  Because of her breathing she gave us the option to either do more skin to skin or “kangaroo care” with Harper or send her to the nursery so she can stay under the heat lamps.  We chose to keep her with us and do skin to skin care.  I got to do it for an hour or two and then Jonathan got his turn at it for about an hour.

doing skin to skin care

doing skin to skin care

Later that evening her breathing got a lot better and her grunting started to disappear, and by the next day her breathing problems had resolved completely.  She was still jaundiced but it got better over time and now has gone away too.

Harper had a lot of visitors come see her in the hospital and I tried to get a photo with all of them, but I wasn’t able to get a photo of the birthday girls together, Stephanie and Harper.  Brian and Stephanie were there the day she was born but because of her breathing issues, no one was able to hold her except me and Jonathan until the next day.

harpers visitorsThis hospital stay was a lot less stressful than the previous one with the boys. We didn’t have to divide our time with one baby in our room and another one in the NICU and then worry about spending time with visitors as well.  We got to spend a lot of quality time with just the two of us and Harper, getting to know her and bond with her.  It was great!

all ready to go home

all ready to go home

After 3 days in the hospital we were ready to go home and start our lives as a family of 5.

Our new family of 5

Our new family of 5


Happy Birthday Harper

Harper Elizabeth Blundell

Harper Elizabeth Blundell

We welcomed Harper Elizabeth Blundell into our family on July 24, 2013.  She joined her big brothers, Hayden and Ian to make us the most blessed parents around! ;)  She was a planned C-Section so that morning we got ready and headed to the hospital around lunch time.  No labor drama or anything like that.  The boys stayed at home that day because I didn’t think they needed to be at the hospital and especially since I will have just had major surgery, I didn’t want them to see me.

The surgery was right on time and at 1:55 PM Miss Harper arrived and greeted us with the sweetest little raspy cry, which was the most awesome thing to hear at that moment.  She weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and 19.5 inches long.  I guessed she would be 6 pounds 14 ounces, so I was 1 ounce off! She has a lot of dark and long hair, just like her momma when she was born….except I had a little more than she did.

As they were finishing putting me back together (I’ll spare you the gory details) they were cleaning her up and doing everything with her.  I could hear her breathe and knew she was having a little bit of trouble, but not a lot…she was grunting a little and you don’t want to hear that in a baby because it means they are having difficulty breathing.  They did have some problems with  keeping her oxygen saturation where it needed to without oxygen so they had to give her some.  After what seemed like forever, they were able to keep her oxygen saturation where they wanted it without the oxygen…Jonathan says she got better because of her “mommy time” with me in the OR.  When the surgery was all done, we were all (including Harper) able to go to the recovery room together.  This was different than with the boys because both boys had to go straight to the nursery to be observed for breathing problems.  When we got to up to the floor and the pediatrician examined Harper, she was still grunting some and having a little bit of trouble so we did some skin to skin therapy (both Jonathan and I got to do this) or as some call, it kangaroo care.  Skin to skin therapy is basically just what it sounds like, you lay the baby stomach down on your bare chest and the contact just does wonders for babies.  Studies have shown that it improves oxygen levels, helps regulate a newborns body temperature, promotes bonding with the parents/baby, stabilizes the heart rate and improves breathing patterns.

The pediatrician said that Harper had what is called Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn or TTN.  It is basically where the lungs don’t get rid of the fluid that is in them during pregnancy. Some refer to it as “wet lungs”.  It usually happens during the first few hours of birth and happens more frequently in c-section babies because they don’t get that initial “squeeze” before being born.  This is very similar to what Ian had, if not the same thing, when he was born.  After several hours of skin to skin therapy she started to improve and as of now it is resolved.

Harper also had a little bit of jaundice but it is starting to resolve on its own and they will check it again tonight to make sure it is still doing well.  We kept the blinds open today and had her in the sun as much as possible as this helps improve jaundice in infants.

Harper is just the sweetest little baby (other than her 2 brothers of course) and from what we can tell in all of 3 days is that her temperment is very much like the boys were as babies.  Very content, happy babies.

I’ll post some photos of her birthday soon.

39 weeks

As of tomorrow I am officially done with this pregnancy! I hit 39 weeks today and tomorrow is the c-section and the day we will finally meet Ms. Harper!!  The last week has been very hard for me and no matter what position I get in, I just can’t get comfortable, and I’m not sleeping much at all, even with Ambien.

Here is the last pregnancy survey:

Due date: July 30 – C-section is on July 24
How far along:   39 weeks
Gender:  It’s a GIRL
Total weight gain/loss:  about 17, give or take
Exercise: I’m not allowed to exercise
Stretch marks: the ones I got from the boys and then some more from her!
Swelling: a little more in my hands and feet this week, but still not a whole lot
Maternity clothes:  yes, and I’m so tired of them…I’ve outgrown a lot of them
Belly button:  It is definitely an outie
Sleep: sleep – what’s that?!
Food cravings:  Cream soda
Symptoms:  contractions that are getting stronger and more frequent – all day long, heartburn and pain from her using my intestines as a punching bag
Movement:  All. The. Time. She likes to push her butt up in my ribcage and then stretch her (apparently long) legs out and kick me in the other side of my ribcage or hip bone.  The girl has to take after her big brother, Ian…he moved like crazy just like she does – and has never stopped moving since!
Labor signs: a lot of contractions, but not sure if they are actually doing anything
What I miss: not having to go the bathroom all day long, sleep and being able to sit comfortably
What I’m loving:  This pregnancy is about over!!
What I’m looking forward to:  meeting her tomorrow
Best moment this week:  Knowing we will get to finally see her tomorrow!
Milestones: being full term and her arrival.

Harper’s Nursery

Here are some pictures of missy’s room….finally.  I love the way it turned out and to be honest, I had no clue how it would ultimately look when it was all put together.  I sold both of the boys’ cribs a while back because I wanted to go with white furniture for her and the boys cribs were dark wood.  I got a Jenny Lind crib and absolutely love it! I turns into a toddler bed (I just have to order the side rail for it) so that will be great to use in the future.

The dresser is the exact one the boys have, just in white.  I liked it so much we just decided to get another one for her…and it’s already bolted to the wall – mainly in case her brothers decide to play in there!

I saw the tree picture while I was in Hobby Lobby one day and loved it so I got it in hopes that it would work in the room.  I brought it home and the colors were absolutely perfect.  The walls are a gray/blue color.  It was supposed to be gray, but as we painted it and it dried we realized it definitely had a blue hint to it….o’well.  It actually looks pretty good and its grown on me now.  We have a few pictures (including the tree pic) that has some blue in it and it goes great.

The one thing that drives me crazy in the room is the glider.  The cushions are cream with dark wood – it was from the boys room obviously.  But I saw no justification to get a new one since this one still works great and is in decent condition.  I could have painted it white but didn’t want to take the time to do it….and I couldn’t have recovered the cushions, but I have no clue how to sew or use a sewing machine….



shelvesSo there’s her nursery, now we just need our little girl to put in there! Only 3 more days!!!

Little Miss does have a name

So I was going to post pictures of the nursery but then realized here name is right there in bright pink letters! So I guess you are going to find out her name before she is born after all.

It took us a little while to decide on a name for her because we just couldn’t agree on one that we both liked.  The ones I really liked, Jonathan wasn’t too fond of and the ones he liked, I really didn’t.  We finally go it narrowed down to 2 names and then it took us probably a month to decide on which one we liked the best and that fit with the boys names the best.  Little miss will be named:

nameHarper Elizabeth Blundell is her full name.  We tend to stick with more traditional middle names for our kids (James, Christopher, Elizabeth) but also try to use family names if possible.  Harper’s middle name came from her Aunt Amy and my grandmother, who both have Elizabeth as their middle name.

The boys have already gotten used to saying her name and call her baby Harper…or “baby Harpo”.  We are just hoping the Harpo doesn’t stick too long!

38 weeks

38 weeks

1 more week! We will finally meet little miss next Week! This is going to be one of the longest weeks of my life…I better think of things to keep me busy.  The majority of stuff for her is done, we are just playing the waiting game now.  The car seat base is installed in my car, her room is done (I promise I’ll post pictures of her nursery soon), bottles and such are put away in the kitchen, the only thing left to do is wash one more load of clothes for her and put them away.  We are having our carpets cleaned tomorrow – you know, so we can get them ready for another baby to spit up on!

The boys keep talking about “Baby …” and know that all the baby stuff we have is for her.  I know they really don’t know whats about to happen, but hopefully it won’t be horribly rude awakening when she comes home.  We , or should I say I, keep going back and forth on when we will let them meet her for the first time.  I said I didn’t want them to meet her until the next day because I will be just out of surgery, still groggy and half asleep with an IV and can’t move from the waist down.  But we also want them to be the first ones to meet her…..its a huge dilemma and I have no clue what we’ll do.  I just say we’ll see how I feel the day she is born and go from there.

I have been off work since last Tuesday and have had a lot of help from Jonathan, my mom and Jonathan’s mom.  I definitely don’t need to be alone with the boys by myself all day long.  I am trying to rest as much as possible but it is kind of hard when you have two 2 year olds in the house.  Jonathan has been on dad duty every saturday and sunday morning for the last several weeks and I can’t thank him enough for letting me sleep in, or at least try to, while he takes the boys to the park, to get donuts, etc.  He has done a great job with them and the boys love their time spent with dad!

Here is one of the last surveys I’ll do!

Due date: July 30 – C-section is on July 24
How far along:   38 weeks
Gender:  It’s a GIRL
Total weight gain/loss:  about 17, give or take
Exercise: I’m not allowed to exercise
Stretch marks: the ones I got from the boys, that are ever so obvious now plus some lovely new ones!
Swelling: a little in my feet and more in my hands the last few days.
Maternity clothes:  yes, and I’m so tired of them…I am outgrowing them
Belly button:  It is definitely an outie
Sleep: as long as I take an ambien – which is usually only 1 time a week or maybe benadryl.  I wake up typically every hour to roll over because my hips hurt and i’m usually awake by 500am, except when I take something to help me sleep.
Food cravings:  Cream soda
Symptoms:  contractions that are getting stronger and more frequent – all day long, heartburn and now my ribs are starting to hurt as she is pushing them apart.
Movement:  All. The. Time. She likes to push her butt up in my ribcage and then stretch her (apparently long) legs out and kick me in the other side of my ribcage or hip bone.  The girl has to take after her big brother, Ian…he moved like crazy just like she does – and has never stopped moving since!
Labor signs: just the contractions, but I don’t think they are doing anything.
What I miss: not having to go the bathroom all day long and sleep
What I’m loving:  That we’ll get to meet her in 1 week!!
What I’m looking forward to:  seeing what she looks like
Best moment this week:  looking forward to seeing her again (on sonogram) on Thursday.
Milestones:  reaching “full term” last week