38 weeks

38 weeks

1 more week! We will finally meet little miss next Week! This is going to be one of the longest weeks of my life…I better think of things to keep me busy.  The majority of stuff for her is done, we are just playing the waiting game now.  The car seat base is installed in my car, her room is done (I promise I’ll post pictures of her nursery soon), bottles and such are put away in the kitchen, the only thing left to do is wash one more load of clothes for her and put them away.  We are having our carpets cleaned tomorrow – you know, so we can get them ready for another baby to spit up on!

The boys keep talking about “Baby …” and know that all the baby stuff we have is for her.  I know they really don’t know whats about to happen, but hopefully it won’t be horribly rude awakening when she comes home.  We , or should I say I, keep going back and forth on when we will let them meet her for the first time.  I said I didn’t want them to meet her until the next day because I will be just out of surgery, still groggy and half asleep with an IV and can’t move from the waist down.  But we also want them to be the first ones to meet her…..its a huge dilemma and I have no clue what we’ll do.  I just say we’ll see how I feel the day she is born and go from there.

I have been off work since last Tuesday and have had a lot of help from Jonathan, my mom and Jonathan’s mom.  I definitely don’t need to be alone with the boys by myself all day long.  I am trying to rest as much as possible but it is kind of hard when you have two 2 year olds in the house.  Jonathan has been on dad duty every saturday and sunday morning for the last several weeks and I can’t thank him enough for letting me sleep in, or at least try to, while he takes the boys to the park, to get donuts, etc.  He has done a great job with them and the boys love their time spent with dad!

Here is one of the last surveys I’ll do!

Due date: July 30 – C-section is on July 24
How far along:   38 weeks
Gender:  It’s a GIRL
Total weight gain/loss:  about 17, give or take
Exercise: I’m not allowed to exercise
Stretch marks: the ones I got from the boys, that are ever so obvious now plus some lovely new ones!
Swelling: a little in my feet and more in my hands the last few days.
Maternity clothes:  yes, and I’m so tired of them…I am outgrowing them
Belly button:  It is definitely an outie
Sleep: as long as I take an ambien – which is usually only 1 time a week or maybe benadryl.  I wake up typically every hour to roll over because my hips hurt and i’m usually awake by 500am, except when I take something to help me sleep.
Food cravings:  Cream soda
Symptoms:  contractions that are getting stronger and more frequent – all day long, heartburn and now my ribs are starting to hurt as she is pushing them apart.
Movement:  All. The. Time. She likes to push her butt up in my ribcage and then stretch her (apparently long) legs out and kick me in the other side of my ribcage or hip bone.  The girl has to take after her big brother, Ian…he moved like crazy just like she does – and has never stopped moving since!
Labor signs: just the contractions, but I don’t think they are doing anything.
What I miss: not having to go the bathroom all day long and sleep
What I’m loving:  That we’ll get to meet her in 1 week!!
What I’m looking forward to:  seeing what she looks like
Best moment this week:  looking forward to seeing her again (on sonogram) on Thursday.
Milestones:  reaching “full term” last week

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