Big Brothers

Wow, I’ve got a lot of posts to catch up on since baby girl was born.  Lets start with the big brothers!

So, remember way back when, in January or so when we posted this picture…


Here is a much better, much more recent picture of that…

siblingsoh my…I can’t believe how much older the boys look here.  They don’t look like babies anymore.

We decided to keep the boys home the day Harper was born and the next morning my mom and Jonathan’s mom brought them up to the hospital to meet their new little sister.  We had no clue how they were going to respond to this and it was fun to see their reactions.  Jonathan met our moms and brought the boys in the room so it was just us in their when they came in to meet her.

IMG_1149The instantly walked over to see her in the bassinet….well, after I insisted they give me a hug first 😉

IMG_1156I think this is when it hit them that this baby Harper we’ve been talking is an actual being and real. Hayden was interested in meeting her but that interest wore off pretty fast and he was ready to move on.  He liked her, but I think he may have been scared of her or scared that he would hurt her or something…I don’t know.  He wasn’t too interested in holding her like Ian was.  I got a quick picture of him holding her but right after I snapped the photo, he was done.

Hayden holding Harper

Hayden holding Harper

Honestly, I was very surprised at how much Ian loved her and wanted to kiss her and hold her.


Ian holding Harper

Ian holding Harper

We gave the boys a “goodie bag” as a gift from Harper to them.  They were Curious George backpacks that they can use for school and filled with books, coloring books and crayons, cars, little trucks, some snacks, etc.  It kept the busy for a little while at the hospital before they went back home with our moms.

IMG_1169I wish I got some better photos of them but I was taking pictures from the bed and I was still in A LOT of pain from the c-section.

Ian wanted to sit on the bed with me and Harper and his expression pretty much sums up how he felt meeting his sister….I love this picture.

IMG_1189Coming home was no exception, Ian wanted to hold her and check on her all the time. Hayden would look at her and then go on with his business, but I did catch him going over and patting her head to see how she was doing.  Hayden is always concerned about where Harper is. If he doesn’t see her, he’ll say “oh no, baby Harper gone”.  Ian is very concerned with her whereabouts as well ;).  Yesterday she was in Jonathan’s office with him and when he walked in the living room and she wasn’t there, he got concerned.  I told him that we took her back to the hospital and he got rather upset… “noooo, baby Harper stay home”.  I quickly told him I was just kidding and we would never take her back, he was fine after that.

Hayden checking on Harper

Hayden checking on Harper

Ian holding Harper

Ian holding Harper

Ian checking on Harper

Ian checking on Harper

Having 3 kids has been a little crazy, but I wouldn’t change it for anything…

me and my 3 munchkins

me and my 3 munchkins



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