Why do people get married?

Pick me up

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post and because Laurie and I are preparing to celebrate our 3rd anniversary in the next few days….

A few questions for each of you ::

  • Why do people get married?
  • (if you’re married) Why did you get married?
  • What does marriage mean to you?

Share your answers for just one (or more) of the questions in the comments below. I look forward to reading your feedback.

And just for fun….

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

6 thoughts on “Why do people get married?”

  1. Well, the short answer is 'for all kinds of reasons'.

    I've been married twice.

    The first time there were lots of wrong reasons. Pressure, a presumption that this is what you do next, not having the courage to walk away.

    The second time was for very different reasons. Committment, love, sharing…

    Loads of people say it's too easy to get divorced. I disagree. It was the hardest thing I've ever done.

    I think getting married is way too easy. There should be more questions, more help and more people who will ask if you are sure and pursue your answers to questions.

    But boy is it's worth it when you get it right!

  2. People get married to have someone to witness their lives. Someone to share the feelings, experiences, sadness and happiness with.
    Yes…even doom and gloom.

  3. Kate,
    Awesome answer! I love that idea of “someone to witness their lives” along with “sharing experiences with.”
    So glad to get to meet you in Seattle! Good luck with your shop and all your ventures!

  4. Great thoughts! I appreciate your insight for sure!

    I think you're right – everyone gets married for various reasons – and it's far too easy to do.

    And yes – when you get it right – it's well worth it!

  5. JD,

    Great question – one we've been asked a fair few times.

    Jenny & I got married at 20, which was over 10 years ago now! For us, it was about growing up together. We didn't come from the same part of the world, nor go to the same schools, but when we got together, we wanted to spend that part of our lives together where we figure out what life is about (that really starts in your 20s, right?)

    We've been graced with being able to do what we promised each other we would when we got married:

    “To celebrate the highs and carry you through the lows”.

    I am grateful for my beautiful wife, and our journey of life together so far.

    It keeps getting better.

  6. Andy, great input!

    “Celebrating the highs and the lows.”

    Makes it harder to back out of when you realize there will be ups and downs from the beginning.

    Thanks for adding your comments!

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