I have a pretty good feeling this year (maybe even this month) will bring about some exciting changes around Casa de Blundell.
And with those dreams of what’s to come (foster care, hopefully selling our house) I don’t want to rush into the year without setting some basic goals for 2010.
I want to be sure that 2010 is less about me — and more about others — but at the same time, leaving room for my own development to ensure I don’t burn out by July.
I want to be sure I’m cognoscente of where I’m spending my time, money and energy and I want to be sure that what I give up or chase after is truly worth it.
So here are my goals for this year. I hope you’ll do me a favor and check in on me from time to time to see how I’m doing.
Or maybe better yet, check in with Laurie (@girlblundy) to see how I’m doing.
- Spend more quality time with My Life
- Spend more quality time with my family
- Take more lunch breaks — away from my desk and computer
- Buy fewer convenience store drinks (i.e. sodas, Monsters, etc.)
- Cook at home — eat out less
- Eat less processed food
- Share life over coffee or dinner with more friends
- Live the intentional challenge
- Grow our community group
- Read more — watch less TV
- Another year without looking at pornography
- Increase awareness of issues I care about — modern slavery, homelessness, foster care/adoption
- Mentor at least one person to stand ready to take my place in the following areas: MediaShout/Sunday morning Tech, encounter podcast, community groups leader, Wednesday morning What-A-Study leader, Laundry Love facilitator
- Spend at least 2 hours a week doing something physically active
- See the podcast grow to at least 150 subscribers
- See my blog grow to at least 100 subscribers
Great list – I like the way you think. Hey, I just realized today that I didn't have your blog on my blogroll so I added you there and I also added your blog to my google reader.
thanks! I assumed you had it somewhere – you're pretty good at commenting for someone who hasn't subscribed to my blog
but hey – now I'm one person closer to my #16 goal! thanks!