Taxes and giving

I need some help understanding something. Hopefully there are some folks out there that read this blog that can help me out.

I keep hearing folks who are mad and upset about the way Obama is spending their tax dollars. I heard similar things from the other side of the aisle when Bush was president. And I can understand that (from both sides).

But if you don’t like the way your tax dollars are being spent – why don’t you simply find a non-profit organization that you approve of and give your tax dollars to them instead?

That way you can pick exactly how your money is being spent – regardless of who’s in office.

Or if you really hate paying taxes, there is actually a tax designation you can receive for those who don’t make any money. In other words if you simply earned very little or no money and bartered for everything (as I understand it) you can be exempt from paying any taxes. (But you might want to check with someone who knows the tax record far better than I do.)

Am I over simplifying this? Am I missing something?

Or is there a greater issue going on – that folks simply don’t want to be generous and giving with their money — and they’d rather put the blame on the government instead?

If you’re interested, here are some great organizations I’d much rather give to than the IRS…

abba fund
hidden acres
daniel’s den waxahachie
waxahachie cares

Thoughts? What other organizations would you rather give to?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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