Taxes and giving

I need some help understanding something. Hopefully there are some folks out there that read this blog that can help me out.

I keep hearing folks who are mad and upset about the way Obama is spending their tax dollars. I heard similar things from the other side of the aisle when Bush was president. And I can understand that (from both sides).

But if you don’t like the way your tax dollars are being spent – why don’t you simply find a non-profit organization that you approve of and give your tax dollars to them instead?
Continue reading Taxes and giving

Get rid of the IRS

In the past I’ve been a big fan of a national sales tax – but now I’m reading The Fair Tax Book: Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS and I have to say I’m really a big fan.
Did you know that 22% of the cost for each item you purchase in the U.S. goes towards someone covering the cost they had to pay along the way towards taxes? In other words, if we could cut income taxes, corporate taxes, Social Security taxes, Medicaid Taxes and all the others, retailers could sell products for 22% less than they currently do. Granted you might say like I did, well the manufacturers and such will just keep that 22% profit. But in a free market, with competition the costs will eventually be lowered.
Let’s say MyCar Co. makes a $10,000 car. After the IRS is gone the 22% cost of taxes is eliminated from the cost of making their cars. So MyCar Co. CEO says, “Alright, that’s 22% more profit.”
But YourCar Co. also makes a $10,000 car. And while the CEO realizes he could keep prices the same and make a 22% profit, he also realizes that if he cuts his price by 5% he’ll still make a 17% profit and he’ll be able to take more customers away from MyCar Co.
Suddenly MyCar Co. has to cut prices to compete and then YourCar Co. matches. In the end, your $10,000 only costs $7,800.
Even with a 23% sales tax on your car, the total price would be $9,594.
On top of that, imagine:

  • being able to keep 100 percent of your paycheck, pension, and Social Security payments
  • all Americans paying their fair share of taxes
  • enabling families to save more for home ownership, education, and retirement
  • making American products more competitive overseas
  • no changes to the current revenue levels for the federal government
    Read more at – or just buy the book from the Casa de Blundell Store.
    Oh and another thing, there is one presidential candidate who continues to pledge that he will fight to appeal the 16th amendment and institute the FairTax – any guesses?