wOOt wOOt!


Today we made our last payment on a credit card! Woot! Woot!

I’m surprised how quickly its gone. We’ve paid over $11,000 towards debt since June/July of last year and I’m quite certain we wouldn’t have done it without Laurie pushing and making sure we were paying off huge chunks each month.

It’s taken some sacrifices. It’s kept us from doing some things we’d like to do on a more regular basis, but chunk by chunk we’ve knocked it off as well as a good deal of other debt.

Now all we have left is medical and parental debt. Hopefully we’ll have that gone within the next nine to 10 months! WOOT WOOT!


In the meantime – we’ll keep working through this plan.

This just in…

Here are some of the latest rumors circling the web today…

  • MacBook Air includes secret filter to block all references to Ron Paul
  • Blood was digitally removed from There Will Be Blood
  • Patton Oswalt has signed a two-year contract with the Baltimore Ravens
  • ABC announced George Lucas‘s Matrix Babies coming this fall
  • Report links Alvin, Simon to performance-enhancing helium
  • The Dinobots will be voiced by the Wu Tang Clan
  • They shot that tiger because it knew Tom Cruise was gay
  • Islanders on “Lost” to adopt adorable, wisecracking orphan cousin
  • No new Garfield movie until 2011
  • B.A. Baracus played in new A-Team movie by Marcus Carl Franklin, Ben Whishaw, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Richard Gere, and Cate Blanchett
  • New Radiohead video available only as an animated GIF
  • Hillary Clinton thinks Batman Forever got everything right
  • Peter Parker is going to start failing Chemistry so kids can better relate to the character
  • iPhone tells Diane Sawyer of Jobs’s “inappropriate touching”
  • There are too many pop culture references in Internet lists

Now granted, these are just rumors – but don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

A proposal for nine new game shows

With the writer’s strike going on here’s some new ideas for network TV execs. From the funny guys over at Woot!:

* Tickle The Angry Scorpion
* Celebrity Dungeons & Dragons featuring Vin Diesel & Friends
* Who Took My Golden Arm?
* Toronto Squares
* Hedge Maze Full Of Cobras!
* Stop Hitting Yourself: The Endurance Challenge
* Thirty-One Seconds In The Wood Chipper
* Coconut Pie Or Millionaire?
* Do Calculus While We Poke You

They left off Aaron’s suggestion of a new reality TV show on Fox: When Rabbits Attack