WDL endorses Ron Paul

The Waxahachie Daily Light endorse Ron Paul’s run for the White House Friday:

In the race for the Republican nomination for the president of the United States, the one candidate we feel offers America’s best hope for much needed change is Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

While candidates in both parties have seized upon the message of change, in reality, with the exception of one candidate, the change being promised is a shift from one special interest group to another.

Ron Paul is the only true candidate of change.

Largely ignored by the mainstream media, he has trailed the GOP frontrunners in the initial primaries. He has been labeled as a “radical” by the established political guard in Washington. They fear his message because they know, if Paul is elected, things will change in D.C.

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Top News: Horses are allowed

The Top News story from the WDL yesterday:

Horses allowed for Christmas Parade

Equine entries will be allowed in this year’s Waxahachie Christmas Parade, scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 1.
The annual event, co-sponsored by the Waxahachie Optimist Club and Waxahachie Chamber of Commerce, had previously announced no equine entries would be allowed in this year’s parade due to safety concerns caused by the lack of a staging area.

I want to comment more on this, but I’ll hold off for now.