Gas prices expected to drop after strike ends

As our economy continues to be based more and more more on a global level, its important to realize what happens in Nigeria may not stay in Nigeria.

A recent strike in Nigeria as caused Exxon to completely shut-down production there, hurting the balance between supply and demand world-wide. But now it looks like the striking workers requests may have been solved and oil production can continue.

Also, recent attacks on oil refineries have also led to a reduction in overall oil production.
Continue reading Gas prices expected to drop after strike ends

Will write for food.

Sandra Hanks Bentoiton has posed an interesting question on NaBloPoMo regarding the upcoming writers’ strike: “With the writers’ strike looming, should bloggers be concerned that our prodigious and virtually uncompensated work may help to undermine the value of writing?”
I say no. But anyone who wants to compensate me for my writing is still more than welcome to. Just visit the Casa de Blundell store and help compensate hungry writers.