Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius

Jesus in the desert - Day 21

While I agree more with Shane Claiborne’s understanding of Jesus’ politics these two clips are pure Stephen Colbert genius…

Just wait for the great closer at the end of clip 2.
Continue reading Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius

Huckabee understands BBQ

Steven Colbert and Mike Huckabee answered my questions from yesterday.

Huckabee made a “surprise” visit to the Colbert Report yesterday and told Colbert he was still in the race and can still beat McCain – especially in Texas because he understands BBQ. Sounds good enough to me. 🙂

Wonder if the critics will get mad because Huckabee didn’t share the Gospel while on the show either….

Watch the fun…

Colbert on ‘Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me’

Recently announced presidential candidate, and host of The Colbert Report, Steven Colbert, appeared on NPR’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” this weekend.
His segment of the show starts at 17:56 into the show.
Colbert is running as a Republican and Democrat in South Carolina only.
As always, good stuff.
Colbert says he was “genetically engineered for The Daily Show” and he owned his own suit so he was well fitted for the job.