Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius

Jesus in the desert - Day 21

While I agree more with Shane Claiborne’s understanding of Jesus’ politics these two clips are pure Stephen Colbert genius…

Just wait for the great closer at the end of clip 2.
Continue reading Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius

Fight for your rights

“Give Me a Vote!”
Give me a vote! | Photo by daquellamanera

“The only right a Christian has is the right to give up his rights.”

Oswald Chambers
My Utmost for His Highest

I incorrectly attributed this quote to Dietrich Bonhoeffer Wednesday morning (sorry about that guys) but it led to some interesting conversation.
Continue reading Fight for your rights

Changing the world one mustard seed at a time


The ways of the world differ from the ways of the kingdom. In the economy of God’s kingdom, big does not beget big. It’s precisely the opposite. The overwhelming message of Jesus’ life and teaching is that small begets big.

– Skye Jethani The Divine Commodity
Continue reading Changing the world one mustard seed at a time

Bono and the Irresistible Revolution

bono the fly -

I just finished reading Shane Claiborne’s book “The Irresistible Revolution – living as an ordinary radical.”

It was a great read. Inspiring and insightful and I would argue like Brandt Russo – its a must read for any and all who want to find new meaning in what it means to follow Jesus Christ.

Towards the end of the book, Shane begins to wrap up the text with a chapter entitled, “Crazy but not alone.”

I’ve been chewing on these thoughts today and laughing at some of the humor as well. And as I’ve chewed on the ideas, I can’t help but wonder if Bono’s a fan of Shane’s as well.
Continue reading Bono and the Irresistible Revolution

Give them away…

Give them away

Give them away
Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell

Been chewing on this idea and quote from Shane Claiborne’s book “The Irresistible Revolution”

Thought I’d do some quick word art (with my favorite font currently – sketch rockwell) to illustrate it.

Anyone seen this play out in their own life?

What is emergent? A generous orthodoxy

what is emergent?

Read the introduction: What is emergent?

“I offer this book with the heartiest sentiments to all the jolly people who hate what I write, and regard it (very justly, for all I know), as a piece of poor clowning or a single tiresome joke.” – G.K. Chesterson (Orthodoxy (Moody Classics))

I came into the emergent conversation probably a little bit later in the game than many. I didn’t even start hearing the name emergent until after college (circa 2003-2004).

As I started tracking blogs and other online conversations I began seeing the term more and more. And once I launched my own blog in 2005 and began making connections with folks in the UK, I started hearing from people who were actually taking part in the conversation.

In March of 2006 Thomas introduced me to the blogs of Jonny Baker and Andrew Jones, referring to them as the “grandfather’s of the emerging church” (and even then I didn’t get their names right).
Continue reading What is emergent? A generous orthodoxy