Changing the world one mustard seed at a time


The ways of the world differ from the ways of the kingdom. In the economy of God’s kingdom, big does not beget big. It’s precisely the opposite. The overwhelming message of Jesus’ life and teaching is that small begets big.

– Skye Jethani The Divine Commodity
Continue reading Changing the world one mustard seed at a time

The Hero within

Sunday we talked about becoming Jesus to our neighborhoods and what that might look like and how it might change our neighbors and neighborhood. And we talked about how even the smallest things can have the greatest impact.

I received an email afterwards from someone who explained how it was all the “little things” people had done recently for them that made a world of difference in their life.

I also heard from someone who said he wants to put a “prayer box” at the end of his driveway for his neighbors to share their needs with one another.

I’m excited to think of all the small things we can do for one another that can change the world for each person. “You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the world for one person.”

I love that no matter what your skills are, or talents, or passions are, God can help you find that “hero within” and use you to impact countless people around you.

Kinda like Carlos…

(HT Mosaic and Eric Bryant)

note: I’ve had some problems with the CD from Sunday. it may not have been finalized or recorded completely. hopefully I can get that fixed next Sunday and share audio from Sunday morning for those who’ve asked for it.

44/365 a revolution


Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell

a revolution

“‘What a strange way to start a revolution… and a strange way to finish a world tour.’ We worship the seed that died. The revolution will not be televised. It will not be brought to you by Fox News with commercial interruptions… It will not be sandwiched between ads to accelerate your life or be all you can be. There will be no reruns. The revolution will be live. The revolution will be in the streets. The revolution will be cleaning toilets and giving another blanket to Karen. The revolution will not be talking about poverty in hotel ballrooms. It will be eating beans and rice with Ms. Sunshine and watching Back to the Future with our neighbor Mary. Get ready friends… God is preparing us for something really, really — small.”

-Shane Claiborne as quoted in Tom Sine’s book The New Conspirators

note: wish i had some mustard seeds on hand, but went with celery seeds instead.