
Whatcha gonna do brother when Huck-a-Mania runs wild over you?!

You’ve gotta see this blog post….

THE ONLY POLLSTER that really matters is Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen Reports. In addition to his unrivaled track record, Rasmussen is also the only pollster who is currently screening for likely voters. So when Rasmussen says something, we ought to pay attention.
Yesterday, Rasmussen released a poll of the Iowa Republican Caucus. Given its surprising results, I’m surprised it hasn’t received more attention. Romney’s winning with 25 percent; no big shakes there. Fred’s in second at 19 percent; again, nothing earth shattering. But here comes the bombshell: Mike Huckabee checks in at 18 percent, a stunningly strong third place showing and within shouting distance of the frontrunners….
Huckabee is the most natural campaigner in the bunch. Unlike one member of the top tier, there’s no danger that he’ll doze off in mid-sentence. Unlike other members of the top-tier, Huckabee’s a social conservative’s dream. You want someone rock-ribbed on the social issues? Huckabee’s your guy. He doesn’t even believe in evolution. His taxing and spending in Arkansas may not be every conservative’s ideal, but Huckabee probably has fewer policy skeletons in his closet than anyone else in the field.

Oh and Gov. McDreamy announced his endorsement for Rudy this week. Looks like typical politics in action.

Huckabee third in Iowa

Mike Huckabee is in third place in the latest Iowa poll with 12% of the vote behind Romney and Thompson (who’s a joke).

From the Des Moines Register:

Mitt Romney still leads in Iowa but Fred Thompson, a relative newcomer to the presidential race, has emerged as his nearest competitor in a new Des Moines Register poll of likely Republican caucus participants.
Mike Huckabee and Rudy Giuliani are in a close fight for third place in the Iowa Poll taken over three days last week.
Romney, who has campaigned more often in Iowa than his Republican rivals, is the presidential choice of 29 percent of those who say they definitely or probably will attend the leadoff caucuses.
Support for the former Massachusetts governor is essentially unchanged from an Iowa Poll taken in May, when he was the top choice of 30 percent.

You’re voting for Giuliani

Moby comments on Giuliani’s presidential campaign – and like him, I’m really surprised Rudy Giuliani remains at the top of the GOP presidential candidates

in the 90’s he had a radio show wherein he spoke directly to new yorkers.
he had an ongoing battle with a guy named david, who was the head of the ferrets rights association.
this quote from giuliani makes me laugh out loud.

“david, your compulsion, your excessive concern for weasels is a sign of something wrong in your personality,”
-rudolph giuliani

elsewhere in his radio program he:
a-lambasted the nra
b-expressed support for hillary clinton’s health care program
c-bragged about how nyc gave free health care to illegal immigrants
and so on.
and he’s the republican front runner?
i kind of want to support his bid for the presidency just because he’s insane and would be a really entertaining president.
ok, i don’t really want to support his bid for the presidency.
but he is insane and he would be really entertaining as president.
i really do love that the republican front runner is a cross-dresser who has publicly supported gay rights and has called for a ban on private gun ownership.
it’s kind of amazing that the republicans are supporting a guy who used to live with 2 gay men and was for most of his political career to the left of hillary clinton.
again, awesome.

But hey – he’s electable right?

Clinton gives nod to Huckabee

Former Arkansas Gov. and former U.S. President Bill Clinton gave a nod toward Gov. Mike Huckabee this week on ABC’s “This Week.”
While right-wing Christian conservatives threaten to pull from the GOP party, Clinton had this to say to George Stephanopoulos about the former Arkansas Gov.:

Mr. Huckabee is the “only dark horse that’s got any kind of chance. … He’s the best speaker they’ve got.”

Former presidential candidate Newt Gingrich expressed a similar statement:

Mr. Gingrich described the candidate on the same show as “very effective. … If Huckabee can find money, he will be dramatically competitive almost overnight. You have to like Mike.”

A recent Newsweek poll shows Huckabee continues to gain momentum.
Huckabee is now ahead of Sen. John McCain in Iowa and nearly tied with former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, according to a Sept. 29 Newsweek poll conducted with 1,215 Iowa registered voters by Princeton Survey Research Associates International on Sept. 26-27
In a campaign press release Huckabee said, “The Newsweek poll reflects what we’ve been feeling on the ground for some time: that there is steady, upward momentum for my campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire, and other early primary states… We’ve got a winning message. Our focus is on the money game.”
In addition, the campaign press release pointed to a possible match-up between Clinton’s wife Sen. Hillary Clinton and Huckabee.

Last month, a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed Huckabee and former Gov. Mitt Romney nearly tied in respective head to head match-ups against Hillary Clinton. Clinton led Huckabee 50-36 with 6% undecided, while she led Romney 51-38 with 5% undecided. The poll also gave Huckabee the lowest negative ratings among all Republican candidates for President, boding well in a potential match-up against Clinton.
Huckabee said Sen. Clinton’s “front-runner” status gives her a natural advantage, which could be overcome “once Republicans rally around their candidate.”