You’re voting for Giuliani

Moby comments on Giuliani’s presidential campaign – and like him, I’m really surprised Rudy Giuliani remains at the top of the GOP presidential candidates

in the 90’s he had a radio show wherein he spoke directly to new yorkers.
he had an ongoing battle with a guy named david, who was the head of the ferrets rights association.
this quote from giuliani makes me laugh out loud.

“david, your compulsion, your excessive concern for weasels is a sign of something wrong in your personality,”
-rudolph giuliani

elsewhere in his radio program he:
a-lambasted the nra
b-expressed support for hillary clinton’s health care program
c-bragged about how nyc gave free health care to illegal immigrants
and so on.
and he’s the republican front runner?
i kind of want to support his bid for the presidency just because he’s insane and would be a really entertaining president.
ok, i don’t really want to support his bid for the presidency.
but he is insane and he would be really entertaining as president.
i really do love that the republican front runner is a cross-dresser who has publicly supported gay rights and has called for a ban on private gun ownership.
it’s kind of amazing that the republicans are supporting a guy who used to live with 2 gay men and was for most of his political career to the left of hillary clinton.
again, awesome.

But hey – he’s electable right?