In case you weren’t sure about the manners associated with the 2nd Amendment and Open Carry Laws, The Daily Show offers some good Do’s and Don’ts…
Tag: Politics
The #sweetestthing

The #sweetestthing in my life right now. It never gets old. What about you? What’s the #sweetestthing in your life? Post it on Pressgram and be sure and tag it.
Published via Pressgram
Reza Aslan talks about the historical Jesus
A really interesting interview of Reza Aslan on The Daily Show:
I thought Jon Oliver’s comments were really insightful:
“I like this man. I liked the guy who was the day laborer, who was probably illiterate who was a radical nationalist. I like this guy. I like him a whole lot me than the bird statue. He means more to me. You can have a personal relationship with this man and I have to wonder what the hell he would feel about “touchdown Jesus.” I wonder if this guy would be like ‘What is that? It seems sacrilegious but it’s also it’s kind of great.'” – Jon Oliver
I wonder if in focusing so much on the divinity of God, we’ve lost the humanity that reaches out to so many people.
Adding Reza Aslan’s book to my Wish List.
Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius

While I agree more with Shane Claiborne’s understanding of Jesus’ politics these two clips are pure Stephen Colbert genius…
Just wait for the great closer at the end of clip 2.
Continue reading Jesus is a liberal Democrat and Stephen Colbert is a genius
Socialism in America
Is The U.S. Moving Toward Socialism? A Socialist Weighs In:
A pretty interesting listen.
On the issue of gun control
As you may have seen, I received an e-mail last week that bothered me a bit about gun control. I shared my response here on my blog.
I’ve received a couple good responses to the blog post via Facebook and on another blog.