Tag: office
Avoid these sites

If you’ve got a box of unused business cards or a growing number of business cards from old contacts…
Whatever you do…
Continue reading Avoid these sites
Automatic e-mail responders
Anyone else use an auto-responder at e-mails when they’re out of town?
Or are you so tied to e-mail that you check it regardless?
Personally I don’t ever check work related e-mail from home unless it’s an absolute emergency, but since I’m going to be out of town, I thought I’d set up an auto-responder with a twist for my work account.
Continue reading Automatic e-mail responders
Monday fun :: the great office war
anyone living in a cube farm can relate.
The Great Office War from Runawaybox on Vimeo.
At least it’s Friday…
Work break

So, I haven’t been blogging much this week. I’ve been slammed trying to straighten my new office and get things set up.
But somehow I stumbled upon this super cool website:
Apparently it’s been around for a while. I called my sister to tell her about it and she said, “Oh I know all about that site. It’s all over campus.”
Guess I’ve been missing out since I’m not in school anymore.
Anyways, check it out. They’ve got some really good and funny shirts.
Well – back to organizing old faxes. And when I say old faxes – I really mean throwing way faxes that have been sitting in piles since 2002.
I should have taken a before photo so you could see how much progress I’ve really made.
Speaking of which – I need some artwork or something in my office. If any aspiring artists are out there and want to show off your work in Harker Heights – let me know.